
  • 网络phthalocyanine blue;BGS;Phthalo Blue;cupc
  1. 本文自行设计并合成出新型颜料分散剂RSJ,用于酞菁蓝颜料的表面改性处理。

    A new type of dispersant ( RSJ ) was designed and synthesized . The surface treatment of phthalocyanine blue by RSJ was studied .

  2. 滑石与酞菁蓝颗粒在复合体系中具有相互吸引作用。

    Talc and phthalocyanine blue attract each other in the composite .

  3. 酸法晶型调整制酞菁蓝B

    Phthalocyanine B be made from acid law crystal adjustment

  4. 酞菁蓝BGS的制备及应用

    Preparation and Application of Phthalocyanine Blue BGS

  5. 结果表明,分散剂D用量为10%(相对于颜料质量)、研磨时问为2h情况下所得到的酞菁蓝颜料在溶液中的分散性能最好。

    The results showed that the optimum formulation was as follows : dispersing agent D 10 % ( relative to weight of pigment ) , milling time 2h .

  6. 酞菁蓝干燥工艺及节能分析

    The technology and its energy saving analysis of drying of phthalo blue

  7. 新型表面活性剂对酞菁蓝颜料的表面处理及表面性质的研究

    The Surface Treatment of Phthalocyanine Pigment with A New Type of Surfactant

  8. 超细酞菁蓝微粒的制备及其电泳性能的研究

    Preparation of Phthalocyanine Blue Nanocrystals and their Electrophoretic Properties

  9. 酞菁蓝在外用硝基磁漆中的应用

    Application of phthalocyanine blue pigment in exterior nitrocellulose enamels

  10. 用溶胶&凝胶法制备掺杂酞菁蓝的玻璃表面装饰膜

    Preparation of Decoration Film on Glass Surface Doped with Phthalocyanine Blue by Sol-Gel Process

  11. α-抗结晶酞菁蓝颜料的研究

    Study on α - Non-Crystallization Phthalocyanine Blue

  12. 酞菁蓝颜料的表面改性研究现状与发展趋势

    The Present Research Situation and Development Trends on the Surface Modification of Phthalocyanine Blue Pigment

  13. 酞菁蓝的表面处理技术

    Surface Treatment Techniques of Phthalocyanine

  14. 用流变性方法分析了酞菁蓝-醇酸树脂体系的分散稳定性,同时用沉降和电镜等方法对该体系的分散稳定性进行了确证。

    He disperse stability of phthalocyanine blue pigment-alkyd resin dispersed system was analyzed by means of the rheological method .

  15. 酞菁蓝颜料生产中废硫酸的循环利用酞菁绿颜料的氯磺酸法清洁生产工艺

    Reuse of Waste Sulfuric Acid in Producing Pigment Phthalocyanine ; Improved Chlorosulfonic Acid Process for Cleaner Production of Phthalocyanine Green

  16. 结果表明,添加了943颜料分散剂的酞菁蓝-醇酸体系的分散稳定性变好,其流动行为趋近宾汉流体;

    It has been shown that the dispersion stability increases with the addition of 943 pigment dispersant and flow behavior acts like Bingham fluids .

  17. 通过选择适宜的溶剂和采用合理的工艺,解决了酞菁蓝颜料在溶剂中结晶性和分散后絮凝问题,研制出酞菁蓝外用硝基磁漆。

    The problem of crystallinity and flocculation after dispersion of phthalocyanine blue pigment in solvents has been solved by using proper solvents and optimum technology .

  18. 将酞菁蓝和活性炭包覆在云母钛珠光颜料上,制得蓝色至蓝黑色的珠光颜料。

    A blue or bluish black pigment has been prepared based on the technology of coating the phthalocyanine blue and active carbon on the mica-based pearlescent pigment .

  19. 酞菁蓝是性能优异、应用广泛的蓝色颜料,但其生产工艺复杂、成本和价格昂贵,从而对应用行业形成制约。

    Phthalocyanine Blue is a kind of blue pigment with high performance and wide range of application , but was restricted because of technological complexity , high cost and high price .

  20. 研究了LDPE/LLDPE作为载体树脂对酞菁蓝分散性的影响,当LDPE/LLDPE的共混比为l:2时,颜料粒子在基体中有很好的分散效果。

    When the ratio of blend LDPE / LLDPE is 1:2 , we have a good dispersion to dye 's particle . The effect of dispersion of TiO2 when used a blend of LDPE / LLDPE as a carried resin is studied .