
  • 网络cementation;Wicking
  1. 石墨电极加弧辉光渗镀Ti抗蚀性能的研究

    Study on Corrosion Resistance of Graphite Anode by Arc-added Glow Discharge Ion Titanizing

  2. 等离子体辉光溅射反应复合渗镀合成TiN的研究

    Growth of TiN by Plasma Glow Discharge Sputtering , Diffusion and Ion Surface Alloying

  3. 双辉渗镀TiN陶瓷层摩擦磨损性能的研究

    Friction and Wear Property of TiN Ceramic Alloying Layer by Double Glow Discharge Plasma Process

  4. 网状阴极辉光放电法在钛合金表面渗镀Ta的应用

    Application of Net - shape Cathode Glow Discharging on the Surface of Titanium Alloy by Tantalizing

  5. Al2O3陶瓷表面二元离子复合渗镀Ni-Ti合金化研究

    Research of the Surface Metallization of Al_2O_3 Ceramic by Means of Binary Composite Diffusion Ni-Ti Composite Diffusion Coating

  6. 找到了渗镀TiN时渗钛阶段和合成阶段的最佳工艺参数,获得了各工艺参数控制条件下TiN渗镀层相结构、表面形貌、表面成分、外观、显微硬度的变化规律。

    The optimum technological parameters of titanizing and synthesis stage were obtained . The variation laws of phase structure , surface morphology , composition , appearance and micro-hardness of TiN permeation layer were achieved .

  7. 渗镀复合层由被渗元素在碳钢基体中的沉积层和扩散层构成,即其组织结构为细小均匀致密的TiN胞状物沉积层+TiN扩散层+Ti、N固溶体扩散层+基体。

    The permeation multilayer is a duplex layer , composed of surface deposition layer and diffusing layer , that is , the structure of TiN deposition layer + TiN precipitated phase + Ti , N solid solution diffusion layer + substrate .

  8. 基于加弧辉光复合渗镀技术,采用自行研制的复合靶对Al2O3陶瓷表面进行Cu、Ti复合渗镀,实现了Al2O3陶瓷表面合金化。

    Based on the composite depositing technology by the arc-added glow discharge , the composite target was used to deposit Cu and Ti alloy on the Al_2O_3 ceramics surface , realizing the surface alloying of Al_2O_3 ceramics .

  9. 运用多元离子复合渗镀合金的方法,采用自制的二元复合靶对Al2O3陶瓷表面进行Ni-Ti复合渗镀,实现了Al2O3陶瓷表面的合金化。

    In this paper , alloying on the surface of Al_2O_3 ceramic was carried out by means of binary composite diffusion coating alloying technology , in which Ni-Ti binary composite target was applied .

  10. Fe-W-Mo-Co多元渗镀复合层研究

    Diffusion and deposition compound layer of Fe-W-Mo-Co

  11. 高速钢的离子镀-渗镀复合处理

    A Combined Ion Plating-Chromizing Process on High Speed Steel Substrate

  12. 采用粉末渗镀法,研究了黄铜渗铝工艺。

    The technique of aluminising on brass by powder plating method has been studied .

  13. 加弧辉光离子渗镀技术

    Surface Alloying by Glow-discharge Plasma with Arc Source

  14. 表面复合渗镀耐磨合金导轮的研制

    Development of wearing resistance alloy guiding wheel

  15. 由此,总结和给出了渗镀最佳匹配工艺参数。

    As a result , the optimal matching technique parameters of surface alloying are concluded and provided .

  16. 渗镀陶瓷薄膜试样的优异摩擦特性,可能与其表面因吸附而形成自生软质表面层有关。

    The excellent tribological behaviors of the specimens coated with hard films may be attributed to the self-produced soft layer .

  17. 研究了复合渗镀机理、渗镀层成分和元素分布、渗镀层相结构以及渗镀层与基体的接合机理。

    The composition distribution , the phase analysis of the depositing layer and joint mechanism of the depositing layer to ceramic substrate are studied .

  18. 从空腔阴极孔隙处发出的等离子气氛,直接奔向并作用于待渗镀表面,进而形成渗镀合金层。

    Plasma from orifice of cavity cathode runs , directly , to the surface to be treated and then forms an alloying layer on the substrate .

  19. 针对三栅极离子渗镀技术实际工业化应用问题,需要提供实验验证和良好基础性研究。

    To target a triple-cathode plasma surface alloying technology in a real industrialization application issue , trial validated guarantee and well basic investigation should be provided .

  20. 介绍近代高炉风口采取等离子喷涂、各种金属渗镀和堆焊高温耐磨合金3种方法进行表面处理的情况。

    The three ways of surface treatment technique of BF tuyere : plasma spray , permeating with several metals and resurfacing welding with high temperature and abrasion-resistance alloys in recent years have been described .

  21. 利用自制的等离子体增强型渗注镀复合处理设备上的非平衡磁控溅射功能,在不同硬度基底上制备了Ti/TiN/Ti(N,C)多层复合膜。

    Black hard Ti / TiN / Ti ( N , C ) films are deposited on different substrates by MF unbalanced twin target magnetron sputtering machine .

  22. 离子氮碳共渗与离子镀TiN复合处理研究

    Study on Complex Treatment of Ion Nitrocarburizing and TiN Ion Plating

  23. 双辉多元共渗与电刷镀复合表面耐蚀渗镀层的研究复合材料单层板损伤分析

    A study of the corrosion resisting composite alloying layer obtained by double glow plasma with brush plating Ni interlayer damage analysis on composite layer

  24. C-N共渗及Ni-P化学镀复合层的耐磨性

    Wear Resistance of Compound Layer Treated by Carbonitriding and Ni-P Plating

  25. 文中研究了物理气相沉积镀渗新工艺的镀渗层特征及涂层工艺。

    The properties of the coating and diffusing layer and the experimental process have been studied in this paper .

  26. 随着离子轰击进行,在工件表面可以形成渗层、镀层、渗镀结合层。

    As the ion bombard working on , the surface of the parts has formed deposited layer , penetrated layer and hybrid layer .

  27. 结果表明,在无保护气氛下固体粉末渗钛是可行的,但其最佳渗镀温度为950℃左右,最佳渗镀时间为4h左右。

    The result shows that solid powder titanizing without protective atmosphere is available , and the optimal titanizing temperature is at 950 ℃ or so , the optimal titanizing time is 4 hours or so .

  28. 介绍了渗层的化学组成、元素分布、金相组织等与性能的关系,并对渗镀过程进行了模拟计算。

    The relation of penetrate layer 's chemical components , elements distribution , microstructure and its property is introduced , and the simulative calculation of penetrated coating progress is done as well .