
shèn jǐnɡ
  • seepage pit
  1. 2002年8月,在大庆油田6口注聚井(3口高渗井,3口低渗井)进行高质量浓度聚合物注入能力试验,其油层有效渗透率范围0.354~1.06μm2。

    In Daqing Oil Field , a pilot test of high concentration polymer injectivity was conducted on 6 injection wells in August 2002 . Three wells are injecting in high permeable pay zones and the other 3 wells in low permeable pay zones .

  2. 河床渗井的组合型进水方式设计

    The design of composed intake infiltration well on the river bed

  3. 我打算在院子里挖一口渗井。

    I intend to dig a seepage pit in the courtyard .

  4. 河床渗井出水量的计算

    The Method of Calculating Yields of Infiltration Wells on Riverbed

  5. 河床渗井技术及其开发应用

    The Technique of Seepage Well on the River Bed and It 's Development and Application

  6. 流网法计算河床渗井出水量的原理与方法

    The principle and method of calculating yields of infiltration wells on river bed with flow nets

  7. 冀东油田高温低渗井酸化增注技术研究应用

    Field application of acidizing and injection increase technique in the high temperature and low permeability wells of Jidong Oilfield

  8. 非洲吉布提共和国独户住宅生活污水处理,多采用化粪池或隔油池→生物滤池→渗井工艺。

    Septic tank-biofilter-infiltration process is generally adopted to treat domestic sewage from detached houses in Republic of Djibouti , Africa .

  9. 按渗井原理级配的复合多层滤料过滤,水按重力自上而下流动。

    According to the principle of composite graded into seepage Wells pits multilayer filter material , water filtration by gravity flow top-down .

  10. 河床渗井是近年来国内新发展起来的一种大口井。

    A seepage well which is an open well on the river bed is developing in our country over the last few years .

  11. 基本完成城市污水排除与处理系统建设,取消地下水饮用水源地防护区范围内的污水渗井、渗坑。

    Development of the sewerage collection and treatment system will be basically accomplished and sewerage percolation pits in the protection zone of ground drinking water sources will all been eliminated .

  12. 河床渗井具有出水量大、水质好、工程造价低和运行费用省等优点。

    A seepage well on the river bed has many advantages such as large yield and good quality for water , cheaper engineering cost and operating expenses and so on .

  13. 作为该部位的引渗井其优势比较明显:1、省去排水管,供电线路的辅设降低工程费用;仅需要临时埋设供水管供成井和洗井用;

    Its superiority is rather obvious : 1 leave out drainage pipe , the setting of power supply circuitry reduce the engineering cost , only to need to set temporary water supply pipe .

  14. 下雨时,该系统保持尽可能多的水供灌溉用,当地下排水沟形成径流时,雨洪经各渗井流入深埋排水竖井,流出团城。

    In rainy days , the system keeps as much water as possible for irrigation , and the surplus water is drained out through deep drainage wells when stream forms in the underground drain .

  15. 自渗砂井在深基坑降水中的应用研究

    Applicating Study of Self-seepage Sand Drain for Deep Foundation Pit Dewatering

  16. 特低渗油田井网密度研究

    Research on pattern arrangement in ultra low permeability oilfield

  17. 用早期试井资料计算低渗裂缝井地层压力的一种方法

    A method for calculating formation pressure in low permeable fractured well using earlier well test data

  18. 在此基础上,总结了低渗油藏井网适应性研究的一般方法,并指出了张天渠油田目前井网的主要不适应性因素。

    On the basis , summarized the common method of well pattern adaptability research of low permeability reservoir , pointed out the major non-adaptability factors in the Chang-2 reservoir in current .

  19. 建立吉林低渗油田井网密度与采收率关系式,为吉林低渗透油田开发、调整中的井网密度研究提供技术支撑。

    The relation between the well spacing density and recovery about Jilin low permeability oilfields was established , which provides the technical support for low-permeability oil field development in Jilin and adjusting the density of the wells .

  20. 低渗油藏合理井网密度的确定

    Determination of the reasonable well pattern density for low permeability reservoirs

  21. 结果表明,对于低渗层,井网加密的办法可大幅度扩大低渗层的波及体积,提高低渗层的采收率。

    Results show that well pattern infilling could improve the swept volume in the low-permeability layer .

  22. 川东石炭系气藏低渗区合理井距确定方法

    A method to determine a reasonable well spacing in low-permeability areas of Carboniferous gas reservoirs , eastern Sichuan Basin

  23. 因此,本文对低渗油藏开发井网与水力裂缝系统的优化组合问题进行了研究。

    Therefore , the author took Jingan low permeability oilfield as example and studied optimized combination between well patterns and hydraulic fracture systems in this paper .

  24. 大牛地气田具有低压、低渗、个别井段易漏和固井后易气窜的明显特点。

    Daniudi gas field is characterized by low pressure , low permeability , being prone to leakage in some well intervals and being prone to gas channeling after cementing .

  25. 文章结合试井分析,确定了裂缝几何尺寸和裂缝导流能力,对低渗油田某井建立了数值模拟模型。

    In combination with the well test analysis , the fracture geometry and conductivity are calculated and a numerical simulator is built for a real well in a low permeability oilfield .

  26. 低渗油层测试开关井时间设计

    Designs of Testing Open-Shut in Time for Low Permeability Oil Layer

  27. 考虑滑脱效应的低渗透气藏压裂井产能分析

    Productivity analysis for fractured well in low-permeability gas reservoirs considering slippage effect

  28. 低渗气藏水平井压裂裂缝参数优化

    Fracture parameter optimization of horizontal well fracturing in low permeability gas reservoir

  29. 低渗气藏水平井不同完井方式产能预测研究

    Productivity prediction of a horizontal gas well in low-permeability gas reservoir under different well completion forms

  30. 川西低渗气藏单井地应力计算方法综合研究

    Comprehensive study of calculation procedure of single well terrestrial stress in low-permeability gas reservoir in Western Sichuan Basin