
shèn sè
  • bleed;crocking
渗色[shèn sè]
  1. 公司CEO克里斯汀•戴伊在2012年第二季度的业绩电话会议上承认,由于有些颜色(包括一款非常鲜亮的“法国粉”)渗色,公司不得不撤回产品。

    More recently , CEO Christine day admitted during an earnings call for the second quarter of 2012 that the company had to pull products because certain colors , including a retina-searing " Paris pink , " had been bleeding .

  2. 湿润状态染色物的渗色性测定法

    Testing methods for color bleeding of dyed fabrics in wet

  3. 以焰熔法合成无色蓝宝石为基体、采用Fe和Ti化合物为渗色剂、在超高温条件下进行扩散处理的合成蓝宝石近期出现在国内外珠宝市场上。

    A new type of synthetic sapphire with diffusion treatment has recently appeared on gem markets , which is treated from the flame fusion synthetic colourless sapphires by the diffusion with the compound of iron and titanium at super-high temperatures .

  4. 复涂以大部分面漆时,很可能发生沥青渗色。

    Coal tar bleed-through is likely with most topcoats .

  5. 不掉色的衣服应该不渗色的。

    Colorfast garments are not supposed to run .