
  • 网络enzyme catalysis reaction;enzyme catalyzed reactions;enzyme catalysis
  1. 酶催化反应的热分析研究

    Thermal analysis of enzyme catalysis reaction

  2. 酶催化反应的最佳pH和表观活化能分别是7.1和31.1kJmol~(-1)。

    The optimum pH and apparent activation energy of enzyme-catalyzed reaction are 7.1 and 31.1 kJ mol ~ ( - 1 ), respectively .

  3. 采用pH敏感聚合物膜对酶催化反应进行放大以提高传感器的灵敏度。

    PH-sensitive polymer is used as a sensing film to amplify the mass change associated with enzyme biocatalytic reaction and to increase the sensor sensitivity .

  4. 前列腺素(PG)合成中的酶催化反应

    Enzyme - Catalyzed Reactions in Prostaglandin Synthesis

  5. NaF抑制精氨酸酶催化反应的热动力学研究

    Thermokinetic Study on the Inhibition Against Arginase Catalyzed Reaction by NaF

  6. 例如DNA的转录,激素的作用机制,免疫系统中的抗原&抗体识别,化学中的酶催化反应,以及很多药物发挥药效的机制都与之密切相关。

    It underlies the action of hormones , the control of DNA transcription , the recognition of Antigens-Antibody in the immune system , the catalysis of chemical reactions by enzymes and the actions of many drugs .

  7. 方法:测定酶催化反应后底物浓度的变化,计算GST活力单位。

    Methods : By detecting the concentration of the substrate after enzyme added the activity of the enzyme in the fluid was calculated .

  8. 考察了农药抑制时间、酶催化反应时间、pH值及底物浓度对反应体系的影响,完成了对不同浓度辛硫磷农药的快速检测,达到了检测农药的标准。

    The effect of the time of inhibition , pH value and concentration of substrate to reaction system was studyed . In addition , different concentrations of phoxim were tested and reached the standard of the detection of pesticides . 3 .

  9. 此外,通过补加葡萄糖和流加H2O2的方式考察齐墩果酸羟基化的反应机理,佐证了齐墩果酸羟基化反应是单加氧酶催化反应。

    The mechanism of oleanolic acid hydroxylation was studied by investigation of the effects of feeding glucose and H2O2 . The results showed that this hydroxylation process was catalyzed by monooxygenase ;

  10. 用多种电化学分析方法研究了辣根过氧化物酶催化反应产物2,3-二氨基吩嗪(DAP)的电化学行为。

    The Electrochemical behavior of the product , 2,3 diaminophenazine ( DAP ), of the enzymatic catalytic reaction by horseradish peroxidase was studied by various electrochemical methods .

  11. 采用CV和DPV对影响酶催化反应的主要条件:溶液的pH值、酪氨酸酶的浓度以及培养时间进行了优化。

    The parameters including the pH of the buffer solution , the concentration of tyrosinase , and the incubation time , which influence the enzyme catalytic reaction have been studied and optimized by CV and DPV .

  12. 在第三章中,论述了渐进因子分析(EFA)和多元曲线分辨(MCR)用于酶催化反应机理的研究。

    In the third chapter , the application of evolving factor analysis ( EFA ) and multivariate curve resolution ( MCR ) in the enzyme reaction mechanism is discussed .

  13. 重组甘油脱水酶催化反应的最适反应温度为45℃、最适pH为8.0,比酶活为40.2U·mg-1,约为原始菌株的80倍。

    The optimal reaction temperature and pH were 45 ℃ and 8.0 , respectively . The special activity of recombinant glycerol dehydratase was 40.2 U · mg-1 which was about 80 times compared with that of wild strain .

  14. 温度是影响酶催化反应的关键因素。为确定酶促酯交换反应(酸解)的最适温度,建立了催化酶(猪胰脂酶和微生物脂酶LipozymeRMIM)热失活动力学模型。

    Kinetic models of thermal deactivation have been established for reaction enzymes ( sn-1.3 specific lipases : porcine pancreatic lipase and Lipozyme RM IM ) in order to find the optimal temperature for the en / ymatic acidolysis .

  15. 介绍了超临界化学反应的概念、原理及特点,综述了超临界流体在酶催化反应、固体催化反应、加氢反应、F-T合成中的应用研究进展。

    The conceptions , principles , and characteristics of supercritical chemical reaction were introduced . The applications of supercritical fluid ( SCF ) in enzyme - catalysis , solid - catalysis , hydrogenation reaction , and F - T synthesis were reviewed .

  16. 讨论了酶催化反应模型S-A系统的Bogdanov-Takens型退化奇点(即尖点),给出了奇点为Bogdanov-Takens型退化奇点的条件,并推导出了相应的正规形。

    The author studied Bogdanov-Takens singularity ( i.e. cusp ) in an enzyme-catalyzed reaction model , namely the S-A system . Analytical condition under which the equilibrium is a cusp is given and the corresponding normal form is also obtained .

  17. 从小麦粉中提取植物酯酶,用70%饱和硫酸铵对植物酯酶进行纯化,酶催化反应温度在45℃、pH4.5~5.5时酶活性最大,酶催化反应动力学显示10min内反应呈线性关系。

    The plant-esterase extracted from wheat flour was purified by 70 % saturated ammonium sulfate . The obtained plant-esterase exhibits its maximum activity at 45 ℃ and pH 4.5 ~ 5.5 , and exhibits a line relation of reactive velocity vs reactive time within 10 min.

  18. 蛋氨酸合酶催化反应研究VI.3-N-取代-6-甲基尿嘧啶的合成

    Study on Catalysis of Methionine Synthase VI. Synthesis of 3-N-Substituted-6-methyl Uracil

  19. 非水介质中酶催化反应研究新进展

    Recent Progress in the Study on Enzymatic Reactions in Non-aqueous Media

  20. 酶催化反应的速度随温度而增加。

    The rate of an enzyme catalyzed reaction increases with temperature .

  21. 基于固体酶催化反应电化学测定酶含量

    Electrochemical Determination of Enzyme Based on the Solid Enzyme Catalytic Reaction

  22. 反胶团体系中的蛋白质分离和酶催化反应

    Seperation of Proteins and Reaction of Enzymes in Reverse Micelle System

  23. 酶催化反应驰豫时间的布尔函数图解法

    The Boolean Function Graphic Analysis of Relaxation Times of Enzyme Reactions

  24. 间歇反应器内固定化酶催化反应过程的模拟

    Simulation of catalytic reaction process of immobilized enzyme in batch reactor

  25. 水在有机介质酶催化反应中的作用

    The Role of Water in the Enzymatic Reactions in Organic Solvent

  26. 一类酶催化反应模型的尖点及相应的正规形

    Cusp and the Corresponding Normal Form of an Enzyme-catalyzed Reaction Model

  27. 血红蛋白模拟过氧化物酶催化反应体系的极谱分析

    Polarographic Studies on the Hemoglobin Mimetic Peroxidase Catalytic Reaction System

  28. 有机介质中糖苷酶催化反应研究进展

    Progress in Research of Glycosidase Catalytic Reaction in Organic Media

  29. 生物化学家们应用动力学研究酶催化反应的速率。

    Biochemists use kinetics to study rates of enzyme-catalyzed reactions .

  30. 类酶催化反应中手性碳原子取代基的空间效应

    Steric Effect of Chiral Carbon Replacing Group in the Similar Enzyme Reaction