
  • 网络microorganisms of enzyme preparation
  1. 本文首先对新型食品酶制剂-微生物来源的谷氨酰胺转胺酶(MTG)的作用机理和性能进行了简单概述,在此基础上介绍了国内外以及作者的有关MTG生产和在食品中应用的研究结果。

    In this paper , the mechanism and properties of microbial transglutaminase ( MTG ), a novel food enzyme , were summarized . The production and application of MTG in food processing were also presented .

  2. 新型食品酶制剂&微生物来源的谷氨酰胺转胺酶的性能及其在食品中的应用

    Microbial Transglutaminase : Properities and Application in Food Processing

  3. 另外,酶制剂在烟草添加剂、烟草香料、烟草薄片中的应用,酶制剂和微生物配合使用的研究也在增加。

    Moreover , the research of enzyme on the tobacco additives , tobacco flavor , reconstituted tobacco , enzyme and microorganism 's coordinate using is also increasing .

  4. 从产酶种类、耐盐性、产酸能力、解磷能力等方面进行分析,部分菌株可以作为微生物酶制剂、微生物肥料生产的待选菌株。

    Some of these could be used as microbial fertilizer and enzyme-producing strains because of their multiple enzymes , high salt-enduring or capacities of releasing fixed phosphorus .