
  • 网络sour sweet bitter hot salty
  1. 酸甜苦辣咸笑而不语,再后来黄昏晓和李铁也来了。

    Bittersweet laugh instead of salty language , and then later at dusk , and Li Xiao also arrived .

  2. 如今的我,更加成熟,实际,并努力学习着如何品味生活中的酸甜苦辣咸。

    Today , I am more mature , more down to earth , and learning how to appreciate all the colors of life .

  3. 当然,我的生活肯定充满了酸甜苦辣咸,但我不会也没有必要在公开场合大肆宣扬我经历的一切。

    It is certain that my life is full of ups and downs but I won 't and don 't need to share all of them in public .

  4. 中国菜之美味,在于运用酸甜苦辣咸五味,这五味有时能同时融合到一张菜谱上,不过更常见的还是以各式菜肴的形式组合成一套大餐。

    It is the use of five flavours that makes the real Chinese diet so delicious and nourishing . Sour , bitter , sweet , spicy and salty , will sometimes be found in a single recipe butmore often in the combinati 、 on of dishes thatmake up a Chinese meal .