
suān cài
  • pickled cabbage;Chinese sauerkraut;pickled Chinese cabbage
酸菜 [suān cài]
  • [pickled Chinese cabbage] 白菜等用开水泡过后,经发酵变酸了的叫做酸菜

酸菜[suān cài]
  1. 酸菜发酵的乳酸菌筛选及初步研究

    Preliminary Study and Screen on Lactic Acid Bacteria in Chinese Sauerkraut Fermentation

  2. 自然发酵酸菜汁中乳酸菌的分离、鉴定及发酵剂的筛选

    Separation and Identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria from Natural Fermentation Chinese Sauerkraut Juice , and Screening of Fermentation Agent

  3. 酸菜制作过程中,添加辅料(如维生素C、大蒜、辣椒等)均能有效降低亚硝酸盐的含量。

    During the process of making the sour pickled cabbage , adding accessories , such as Vitamin C , garlic , pepper , can effectively reduce the content of nitrite .

  4. 本文以低芥酸菜籽油为对照,研究高芥酸菜籽油对雄性SD大鼠肝内软脂酸和丁酸氧化活性的影响。

    The effects of high erucic acid rapeseed oil ( HER ) on fatty acid oxidation in rat livers compared with low erucic acid rapeseed oil ( LER ) were studied .

  5. 每kg白菜加入0.1g脱水醋酸制酸菜,可有效防止酸菜腐烂而不影响乳酸菌的正常活性及酸菜的特有风味。

    Adding 0.1g DHA per kg cabbage to the pickling water prevented the decay effectively , not influencing the normal activity of Lactobacillus and the characteristic flavor of the pickled Chinese cabbage .

  6. 以酵母自溶物为主要选择分离培养基,利用厌氧培养分离法从自然发酵的酸菜汁中分离出发酵酵母自溶物产乳酸能力强,并且产酸迅速的菌株A4;

    With yeast extract as a elective medium , using anaerobic cultivation , a strain , A4 was separated from juice of nature sour pickle which could produce lactic acid more and quickly and was identified as Lactobacillus Plantarum .

  7. 结果表明:食盐浓度为6%、12%、15%,分别腌制8d、10d、15d时,酸菜中亚硝酸盐含量最高,而后迅速降低,到35d后基本降解完全。

    The results showed that the highest nitrite content was pickled for 8 d , 10 d , 15 d with the salt contents 6 % , 12 % , 15 % , respectively . Then the nitrite content decreased rapidly until fully degraded after 35 d.

  8. 北方人对酸菜的情感毫无造作。

    The northern people have an unaffected love for pickled cabbage .

  9. 酸菜复合烹饪调味品的研制

    The research and production of compound cooking condiment of pickled vegetable

  10. 酸菜腌制过程中亚硝酸盐含量的影响因素探讨

    Effects of different factors on nitrite content in the pickling process

  11. 烹调用酸菜及其调味料研究

    Study on the Cooking Flavour Pickled Vegetable and its Condiment

  12. 抗氧剂对低芥酸菜籽油摩擦学性能的影响

    Effect of Antioxidants on the Tribological Behavior of Low - erucic Acid

  13. “也许还有酸菜,”托克斯小姐提示道。

    ' And pickles , perhaps , 'suggested Miss Tox .

  14. 酸菜巧妙地化解了猪肉的油腻。

    Pickled cabbage subtly mutualizes the natural grease of pork .

  15. 一起酸菜腌制加工场硫化氢中毒事故的报告

    Report of A Case of Hydrogen Sulfide Poisoning in Sauerkraut Processing Space

  16. 酸菜中亚硝酸盐含量变化规律及降低措施的研究

    Research on change and elimination of nitrite in sauerkraut

  17. 没有饿死,还有小米加酸菜。

    No , for there was millet plus pickles .

  18. 从自然发酵酸菜汁中可以分离出许多优良菌株。

    Lactic acid bacteria can be separated from natural fermentation Chinese Sauerkraut juice .

  19. 微波法提取酸菜中硝酸盐及亚硝酸盐工艺研究

    Microwave extraction technology of nitrate and nitrite from sauerkraut

  20. 延长泡菜和酸菜保质期的研究

    Study on Extending the Shelf Life of Pickled Vegetables

  21. 若是制酸菜、腌腊蜜饯、烹调,无人能做得超过她。

    For pickling , preserving , and cookery , none could excel her .

  22. 一顿酸菜馅的饺子将成为今晚餐桌上的主角。

    The pickled stuffed cabbage dumplings will be the main course for dinner .

  23. 对于酸菜来说,绝佳的搭配是和猪肉在一起。

    The best partner of pickle cabbage is pork .

  24. 高芥酸菜籽油对大鼠肝组织脂肪酸氧化功能的影响

    Effects of high erucic acid rapeseed oil on fatty acid oxidation in rat liver

  25. 我也试着吃下醋和酸菜汁。

    I also tried vinegar and sauerkraut juice .

  26. 自然发酵酸菜中乳杆菌的分离鉴定与多态性分析

    Isolation , identification and genetic diversity analysis of lactobacilli from naturally fermented northeast sauerkraut

  27. 乳酸酸菜保质期内乳酸含量的变化与分析

    Variations and analysis of lactate content in quality quaranteed period of lactate Chinese sauerkraut

  28. 低芥酸菜籽油脂肪酸甲酯合成二乙醇酰胺的研究

    Studies on Synthesis of low erucic acid rapeseed oil Diethanolamide by methyl ester method

  29. 榨菜叶酸菜发酵剂的选择

    The fermentation agent selection for mustard leaf sauerkraut

  30. 乳酸菌在腌制酸菜中最适发酵条件的研究

    Study on the optimal fermentation condition of Lactobacillus in the salt pickled Chinese cabbage