
  1. 糯米俺酸鱼,营养价值极高,是苗家待客的上乘美味佳肴。

    The salted glutinous rice fish has very high nutritional value , is the superior Miao hospitality delicacy .

  2. 在苗寨,是最常用和盛行的一种名菜是糯米俺酸鱼。

    In the Miao Village , a popular specialty dish commonly known is the glutinous rice salted fish .

  3. 糯米腌酸鱼有几种吃法,即可以炒吃、油炸煎吃、火烤蒸吃、小炒红椒吃等。

    The glutinous rice salted fish can be parched , fried , grilled , steamed with small red pepper .

  4. 腌制在三十年以上的酸鱼可作药用(对腹泻、痢疾均有效)。

    The souse may do in30 year above sour fish for medicinal purposes ( to diarrhea , dysentery effective ) .

  5. 侗族,每家均有数个酸肉鱼桶,有十多个酸菜坛(多者数十个)。

    The Dong minority , each has several sour meat fish barrel , has more than ten pickled cabbage worlds ( many dozens of ) .

  6. 他建议大多数人应吃大量富含欧米加-3脂肪酸的鱼至少一周两次,对于有心脏病的患者更应多吃。

    He recommends that most people eat a variety of fish rich in omega-3 at least twice a week , even more for those diagnosed with heart disease .

  7. 研究结果表明鄱阳湖水域中,鱼肌肉的多不饱和脂肪酸与鱼的生活习性如生活在不同的水层和食性等有较大关系,鱼的遗传因素与脂肪酸比例和含量也有一定关系。

    The results indicated also that the PUFA of fish muscles had relations with the life habit of fish such as the height of water and feeding habit in the Poyang Lake .

  8. 鱼蛋白的综合利用途径2.酸贮液体鱼蛋白

    Utilization of Fish Protein 2 Fish Silage

  9. 采用酸法提取鱼肌肉中的酸溶性胶原蛋白,实验结果表明,鳙鱼、鲈鱼、鲫鱼等鱼的提取率分别为0.61%,0.57%及0.43%。

    Extraction yield of collagen from muscle of bighead , weever and crucian was 0.61 % , 0.57 % and 0.43 % , respectively , by extraction of acid-soluble collagen with acid .

  10. 本次所研究的9种太湖鱼类均属于极低脂肪鱼类,鱼体内脂肪酸的含量与鱼体的脂肪含量呈正相关,其肌肉组织的脂肪酸组成以棕榈酸、油酸及DHA为主。

    The concentrations of fatty acids were significantly positively correlated to the lipid contents in fish . Palmitic acid , oleic acid , and DHA were the predominant fatty acids in all species .

  11. 胡敏酸对铜的鱼鳃生物有效性影响的计算机模拟

    Computer Simulation of HA Influence on Copper Bioavailability to the Fish Gills

  12. 或者软骨藻酸可以解释这些鱼涌入码头的原因。

    Or the domoic acid may help explain why they entered the marina .

  13. 恶喹酸、氟甲喹在鱼组织中残留量的检测方法研究

    Study on the Detection Method of Oxolinic Acid and Flumequine Residues in Fish Tissues

  14. 步入侗寨,有哪家在煎酸肉或酸鱼,香味常常逗行游人唾涎三尺。

    Marches into the Dong stronghold , which has to fry the sour meat or the sour fish , the fragrance teases the good tourist saliva three feet frequently .