
  • Hot and Sour Rice Noodles;Hot and Sour Sweet Potato Noodles;Hot & sour noodles;Hot spicy&sour vermicelli
  1. 成都街头至少有上百种特色小吃,比如酸辣粉,还有“龙抄手”(水煮馄饨淋上辣椒油、胡椒和葱花)。

    The streets hold more than 100 varieties of street snacks , from savory jelly noodles to " dragon lifting a hand " ( poached wontons drizzled in toasty chili oil , pepper corns and green onion ) .

  2. 东南亚天然香辛原料精油在泰式酸辣虾粉中风格呈味的探讨

    Study on the flavor style of the essential oil extracted from natural spicy materials applied in sour and hot shrimp powder

  3. 以东南亚香辛原料提炼出的精油作为主要风味剂,结合海鲜提取物虾提取物,经科学调配,开发出风味独特、深受市场欢迎的东南亚特色风味调味料泰式酸辣虾粉,并对其风格形成进行探讨。

    Making the essential oil extracted from Asia spicy materials as the main flavor composition together with the shrimp extraction can formulate and develop a special and popular southeast Asia seasoning - sour and hot shrimp powder with Thailand style .