
  • 网络Wine Grapes;Vitis vinifera;VINIFERA
  1. 世界上种植着超过5000种酿酒葡萄。

    There are more than 5,000 varieties of wine grapes planted in the world .

  2. 天达-2116在酿酒葡萄上的应用效果

    Application for Tianda-2116 on the Wine Grapes

  3. H2CN2和CaCN2对酿酒葡萄萌芽开花及成熟期的影响

    Effect of CaCN_2 and H_2CN_2 on Bud-breaking , Blossoming and Fruit Maturing of Wine Grape

  4. HPLC测定酿酒葡萄中单体酚的方法研究

    Study on the Determination of Mono - phenol in Grape by HPLC

  5. 部分酿酒葡萄品种的RAPD分析和形态学比较

    RAPD Analysis and Morphological Comparison of Several Wine Grape Varieties

  6. 不同酿酒葡萄品种浆果香味成分的GC-MS分析

    Analysis of Aromatic Composition in the Different Wine-grapes by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

  7. 综合葡萄品种学和葡萄酒工艺学等多门学科知识,采用高级数据库语言VISUALFOXPRO6.0成功地开发了酿酒葡萄原料评判系统。

    Integrate knowledge of ampelography and enology etc and use advanced database language Visual FoxPro 6.0 Wine Grape Materials Assessment System ( WGMAS ) was successfully developed .

  8. 以欧亚种酿酒葡萄赤霞珠(cabernetsauvignon)和黑比诺(PinotNoir)为试材,盆裁方法测定水分胁迫下葡萄幼苗游离脯氨酸、丙二醛、可溶性蛋白质及可溶性糖含量的变化。

    Under water stress condition , the proline 、 MDA 、 soluble protein and soluble sugar content of Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir Leaf were determined .

  9. 酿酒葡萄(v.vinifera)是酿葡萄酒最常用的种。

    Vinifera is the species most commonly used in wine making .

  10. 三个酿酒葡萄品种嫁接在520A砧木上的栽培表现

    Growth performance of three wine grape cultivars grafted on the rootstock 520A

  11. KEGG(KyotoEncyclopediaofGenesandGenomes)pathway分析结果显示鲜食与酿酒葡萄差异表达基因主要参与碳水化合物代谢、次生代谢、脂代谢、能量代谢等多个代谢途径。

    Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes ( KEGG ) pathway analysis revealed that the differently expressed genes between table and wine grape were involved in several pathways primarily focused on Carbohydrates metabolism , Biosynthesis of secondary metabolism , Lipid metabolism and Energy metabolism .

  12. 本研究在构建葡萄花和果实EST文库的基础上,进一步进行了EST-SSR标记的开发,同时还利用基因芯片技术对鲜食和酿酒葡萄果实发育相关基因的表达情况进行了初步分析。

    In this research , EST-SSR markers were developed and microarray was also used to analysis the different expression of genes related to the development of table and wine grape on the basis of a constructed cDNA library from flower and fruit of grapevine .

  13. 以3个欧亚葡萄栽培品种及其2个中间杂交种为亲本,经过15年培育出酿酒葡萄新品种‘爱格丽’(Ecolly)。

    Adopting a new method of grape cross breeding & selecting by turns in using 3 varieties of V.Vinifera and 2 hybrids as parents , a new grape variety ' Ecolly ' has been selected after 15 years .

  14. 山地土壤养分及其对酿酒葡萄生长发育的影响

    Influence of Hillside Vineyards ' Soil Nutrition on Wine Grape Growth

  15. 提高酿酒葡萄糖份含量的分子生物学机制

    Molecular biology mechanism of increasing the sugar content in wine grape

  16. 酿酒葡萄成熟特性的研究

    Study on the Berry Mature Property of Wine Varieties of Grape

  17. 限量控制灌溉对酿酒葡萄生长发育的影响

    Effects of Limited Irrigation on Growth and Development of Brewing Grape

  18. 酿酒葡萄霜霉病季节流行动态与爆发成因

    Outbreak Causes and Seasonal Epidemic Dynamics of Wine Grape Downy Mildew

  19. 醇提法提取酿酒葡萄皮渣中反式白藜芦醇的研究

    Study of trans-resveratrol extracted from grape pomace after brewing using ethanol

  20. 酿酒葡萄根区微生物特性研究

    Studies on Microbial Properties of Different Vines in Root Zone Soil

  21. 法引酿酒葡萄霞多丽、黑比诺营养系研究

    Study the Clones of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir Grapevine from France

  22. 早春不同覆盖材料对酿酒葡萄根系温度的影响

    Different Covering Materials on The Early Spring Wine Grape Root Temperature

  23. 酿酒葡萄及其葡萄酒中β-谷甾醇的初探

    Study on β - Sitosterol in Grape and Grape Wine

  24. 烟台地区酿酒葡萄基地发展模式的研究

    Study on Patterns of Wine Grape Production Base Development in Yantai Area

  25. 干旱荒漠区不同覆盖对酿酒葡萄园土壤的综合效应研究

    Effects of Mulching on Grapery Soil in Arid Desert Area

  26. 河西酿酒葡萄生育模型及气象条件分析

    Analysis of Brewing Grape Grow Model and Meteorological Conditions in Hexi Corridor

  27. 宁夏银川地区酿酒葡萄采收期的研究

    Study on the time of harvest of vine grape in Yinchuan Area

  28. 河西走廊酿酒葡萄热量条件鉴定

    Analysis on heat qualification of brewing grape in Hexi Corridor

  29. 烟台市酿酒葡萄生态区划研究

    Study on the ecological regionalization of wine grape in Yantai

  30. 不同酿酒葡萄品种对霜霉病的抗性分类

    Classification on the Resistance of Different Wine Grape Cultivars to Downy Mildew