
  1. 药品集中招标采购效果评价

    Assessing the effect of mass stocking the drug by public bidding

  2. 医用设备招标采购效果的评价

    The Evaluation of Bids Purchasing on Medical Instruments

  3. 广告媒体时间和空间的计划、排版和采购对广告效果是十分重要的。

    The planning , scheduling , and buying of media space and time are important to advertising effectiveness .

  4. 影响药品招标采购政策实施效果及满意程度的多因素分析

    Multi-Factoral Analysis on the Factors Influencing the Effectiveness and Satisfaction toward the Policy of Drug Purchase Through Tendering

  5. 为取得战略采购中良好的效果和效率,建议我国企业应注意企业管理模式、企业核心竞争力、自制和采购决策以及外包战略的利益与风险等几个方面的问题。

    For obtaining good effectiveness and high efficiency in strategic procurement , close attention shall be given to the issues like management mode , core competing force , self-production and procurement , and benefit and risk balance .

  6. 种植设计中,苗木规格的表述五花八门,许多表述与植物的生物学特性相违背,造成苗木难以采购或种植后效果极差;

    In planting design , so much express of plants specification , and many of them are disobey with biology characteristic , so the plants are hard for purchase or the result is very bad after plant ;

  7. 其次,要实施TCO采购管理,提高采购的成本管理效果。

    Secondly , we must implement TCO procurement management , cost management to improve procurement effectiveness .

  8. 拥有奥迪品牌的大众(Volkwagen)在周一发表的一份声明中表示,大众对外国品牌轿车未进入采购目录感到遗憾,但也表示新采购目录的效果可能有限。

    Volkswagen , which owns the Audi brand , said in a statement issued today that it acknowledge ( s ) with regret the foreign car ban , but said the effect is likely to be limited .

  9. 在这种情况下,政府采购很难取得突破性进展,也不能很好的制定出相应的、切实有效的实施政府采购策略,政府采购实施效果也得不到有力保证。

    In this case , it is difficult to achieve a breakthrough for government procurement and develop appropriate and effective policies to implement government procurement , the results are also not guaranteed .

  10. ZY船务公司在海工设备采购中一直采用招投标的方式,总结了很多宝贵的经验和方法,为企业节约了大量的成本,取得了很好的采购效果。

    ZY company in the work of the bidding project purchasing use purchase way , summed up many valuable experience and methods for the enterprise , saved vast amount of cost , made a very good purchasing effect .

  11. 全球采购的优点是整车厂可充分利用世界范围内的零部件竞争优势,获取市场的最新技术,适应汇率波动以及集团采购的批量效果,得到最佳质量、最佳服务、最合理价格的配套产品。

    The advantage of global sourcing is that car makers can make the best of suppliers competition to get the new technology , adapt the exchange rate and group sourcing effect . The car makers will get components with the best quality , service and cost .