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  • Rick;【人名】Reeker
  1. 并不只是汤姆一人认为和里克难以共事。

    Tom is not alone in finding Rick hard to work with .

  2. 里克的烹饪技术一直不错,但这次简直是好上加好。

    Rick 's cooking was always good but this time he really excelled himself .

  3. 里克对足球着了迷。

    Rick is crazy about football .

  4. “你这是什么意思?”里克问道。

    ' What are you getting at now ? ' demanded Rick .

  5. 里克有些好奉承,急着要给人留下好印象。

    Rick is slightly smarmy and eager to impress .

  6. 在12年的演艺生涯中,里克好像总有福星高照。

    Rick seems to have had luck on his side during his 12-year acting career .

  7. 里克仍然相信正义会得以伸张。

    Rick still believes that justice will prevail

  8. 只剩下马克和里克声称喜欢喝这种樱桃啤酒。

    Mark and Rick were the odd ones out in claiming to like this cherry beer .

  9. 里克到了,进门时为了避开门楣稍微低了下头。

    Rick appeared , bending his head a little to clear the top of the door .

  10. 里克告诉我他目标定的太高是件倒霉的事。

    Rick told me it was hard luck he had aimed too high .

  11. 里克很不高兴,因为其他的男孩子都合伙反对他

    Rick was unhappy because the other boys were ganging up on him .

  12. 金伯利拒绝了,丹准备对她动手,里克从中调解

    When Kimberly resists , Dan is about to strike her and Rick intercedes .

  13. 在里克的屋子里将他们逮捕的警察对金伯利进行审讯

    The cop who made the drug arrest at Rick 's place interrogates Kimberly .

  14. 如果将本书拍成电影,通用公司CEO里克•瓦格纳可以由汤姆•威尔金森饰演。

    In the movie version , GM CEO Rick Wagoner would be played by Tom Wilkinson .

  15. 里克咖啡馆(Rick'sCafé)便是其中之一。

    Rick 's Caf é may be one of them .

  16. 董事长及CEO里克。瓦格纳声称他将不会轻易放弃(销售桂冠),但他更大的聚焦将在收益率上。

    Chairman and CEO Rick Wagoner says he won 't easily give it up , but his bigger focus is profitability .

  17. NPR新闻,里克·普图塔密根歇州兰辛报道。

    For NPR News I 'm Rick Pluta in Lansing , Michigan .

  18. 而现实生活中,这位四十七岁的全国小姐的丈夫里克-福克斯也曾经是NBA的一名球员。

    In real life , the47-year-old former Miss America used to be married to Canadian Rick Fox , a former NBA player .

  19. 路易斯华盛顿大学医学院(WashingtonUniversitySchoolofMedicineinSt.Louis)专门研究酒精使用障碍的流行病学家里克•格鲁恰(RickGrucza)认为女性饮酒与女性上大学比例的上升成正比。

    Rick Grucza , an epidemiologist at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis who studies alcohol-use disorders , correlates women 's drinking to the rise in female college attendance .

  20. 卡萨布兰卡现实中的里克咖啡馆背后的老板和创始人是一位名叫凯西·克里格(KathyKriger)的前美国外交官。

    The owner and founder of the real Rick 's Caf é in Casablanca is a former American diplomat , Kathy Kriger .

  21. 今年3月,布伦特施伦德(BrentSchlender)和里克礠哙利(RickTetzeli)在《成为史蒂夫吠布斯》(BecomingSteveJobs)一书中表示,以往的许多传记作者对乔布斯过于苛刻。

    In March , Brent Schlender and Rick Tetzeli argued in their book , Becoming Steve Jobs , that their subject was too harshly portrayed by his many previous biographers .

  22. 餐食:芝加哥明星大厨里克·贝利斯(RickBayless)分别在T1和T3开了两个以三明治为主的TortasFrontera快餐店。

    Best dining : The Chicago-based celebrity chef Rick Bayless runs two sandwich-focused Tortas Frontera outlets , one in Terminal 1 and another in 3 .

  23. 裴瑞先生有着茶党的代表力,又要比米歇尔•巴克曼(MicheleBachmann)、赫尔曼•凯恩(HermanCain)和里克•圣多伦(RickSantorum)有着更长期和更能打动人的历史记录。

    He has tea-party credibility , but boasts a far longer and more impressive track record than Michele Bachmann , Herman Cain or Rick Santorum .

  24. 里克•贝斯特(RickBest)现为洛克希德•马丁(LockheedMartin)的健康服务科学家,他在撰写毕业论文时研究了从事退伍军人护理工作的护士所承受的压力问题,这一群体面临的要求高,而享受的资源较少。

    While working on his dissertation , Rick Best , now a health-services scientist for Lockheed Martin , researched stress among nurses who work with veterans , a group that faces high demands with low resources .

  25. 毕竟马基奥尼当年曾从通用汽车(GM)的里克•瓦格纳手中生生榨出20亿美元,几乎是空手套白狼地收购了克莱斯勒20%的股权,而且之后一直使菲亚特保持着生机。

    Marchionne is the one , after all , who squeezed General Motors ' Rick Wagoner out of $ 2 billion , acquired 20 % of Chrysler for nothing in 2009 , and has kept Fiat alive against all odds .

  26. 里克在自己家族的酒店企业工作(凯西在一家比萨店当服务员),1978年从丹佛大学(UniversityofDenver)毕业后在一家房地产投资公司工作,之后决定单干。

    Rick works in his family 's hotel business ( while Kathy waits tables in a pizzeria ), graduates in ' 78 from the University of Denver , then works for a real-estate investment firm until he decides to go solo .

  27. 1.56m望远镜新CCD系统是在里克天文台用其控制电路组装而成的。

    The new CCD system at the 1.56m reflector optical telescope of Shanghai Astronomical Observatory ( SHAO ) was built at the Lick Observatory and uses their control electronics design .

  28. 美国共和党总统候选人里克•桑托勒姆(RickSantorum)是一名天主教徒,也是一位气候变化怀疑论者。他说,教会最好将科学留给科学家处理。

    US Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum , a Catholic and climate change sceptic , has said the Church would be better off leaving science to the scientists .

  29. 但野村证券(Nomura)分析师里克o薛伦8月预测称,今年年底微软就将以约58亿美元的年收入成为规模最大的云企业。

    But Nomura analyst Rick Sherlund estimated in August the company will become the largest cloud business by the end of the year with around $ 5.8 billion in annual revenues .

  30. 坐在轮椅上的运动员里克•汉森,传奇冰球运动员韦恩•格雷茨基,滑雪运动员南希•格林和NBA巨星史蒂夫•纳什都按计划继续点燃圣火,但勒梅•多恩就只能举着火炬向观众致意。

    The wheelchair athlete Rick Hansen , the legendary ice-hockey player Wayne Gretzky , the skier Nancy Greene and the NBA star Steve Nash proceeded as planned , but LeMay Doan could only salute the crowd with her torch .