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  1. 摘要里耶秦简是21世纪最重大的考古发现,其学术价值,足以与敦煌文献、甲骨卜辞媲美。

    Liye strips of Qin are the greatest archaeological discovery in the21st century , whose academic value is enough to match Dunhuang documents and Jiagu documents .

  2. 除了里耶秦简外,与张家界古人堤遗址发现的这枚简犊样式基本一致的“九九乘法表”还曾在楼兰文书中见到过,那是写在两张残纸上的九九乘法表,为瑞典探险家斯文赫定在上个世纪初期发掘。

    Another multiplication table was discovered in documents from Loulan , which was written on two pieces of paper and discovered by Swedish explorer Sven Hedin a century ago .