
lǐ quān
  • Inner circle;inner lane
里圈 [lǐ quān]
  • [inside track; inside lane] 有弯道的跑道中的内圈

  1. 戒指的里圈要比外圈光亮许多

    The inside of the ring is shinier than the outside .

  2. 戴利.汤姆森正从里圈赶上来了。

    Daley Thomson is coming up on the inside .

  3. 我每个趋势都跟不上,不知道圈里圈外行情。

    I lag behind every trend and don 't have any idea what 's in or out .

  4. 结合匀场的粗调与细调过程,最后得到了在极面上先外圈后里圈的理论匀场方案。

    The theoretical shimming scheme is obtained through combining process of the coarse and fine shimming , which is completed from outer rings to inner rings on the pole surface .

  5. 且说他名叫埃古·普莱瑟奇,尽管他只是光秃秃的威尔士丘陵中的一个普通人,他在云雾弥漫的山谷里圈养了几只绵羊。

    I ago Prytherch his name , though , be allowed , Just an ordinary man of the bald Welsh hill Who pens a few sheep in a gap of cloud .