
  • 网络milestones
  1. 但达根认为,赞扬工作中的进步和里程碑事件,与所谓权利意识无关。

    But , according to Duggan , applauding progress and celebrating milestones at work is not about that supposed sense of entitlement .

  2. 昆士兰科技大学的保罗•弗里吉特斯教授计算出了一个据称可用来衡量人生中的里程碑事件的影响所对等的金钱价值的公式。

    Paul Frijters , a professor at Queensland University of Technology , has calculated a formula he claims delivers the monetary equivalent of the value of various milestones in life .

  3. 低密度校验码(LowDensityParityCheckcodes)的重新发现是继turbo码之后信道编码领域又一里程碑事件。

    The rediscovery of Low Density Parity Check ( LDPC ) codes is another milestone after turbo codes in the field of channel coding .

  4. 微软(Microsoft)昨日迎来了其财务史上的重大里程碑事件,该公司计划首次通过债券市场筹集资金。

    Microsoft passed a significant milestone in its financial history yesterday as it turned to the bond market for the first time to raise cash .

  5. 如果fdic成功完成债券发售,将是美国政府为清除银行系统不良资产所作努力的里程碑事件。

    If the FDIC goes through with the bond issues it would mark a milestone in government efforts to rid the banking system of troubled assets .

  6. Newwords:习语短语opinionated有强烈态度的alovinghome温馨的家庭,让孩子感觉舒适温暖的家庭goingthrough经历milestones人生中的里程碑事件京晶:马克,你是独生子女吗?

    having many strong opinions a home that provides for a child and makes him / her feel warm experiencing events in life that mark a completion of one stage ( graduation , a wedding ) Dialogue 2 Mark , were you an only child ?

  7. 这个变化是一个里程碑事件,但是只有少数人,尤其是住在中国的人,理解其重大意义。

    This is monumental but few people , especially the readers living in China may understand .

  8. 一级进度计划是总控制进度,便于从总体上把握各任务完成的里程碑事件。

    The first level schedule is a schedule of total control , easy to grasp the overall mission completion milestone .

  9. 防务专家把上述歼10战斗机出售协议,形容为巴中防务关系中的里程碑事件。

    Defence experts described the agreement with China as a landmark event in Pakistan 's defence relationship with the military power .

  10. 这是世界人口发展史上的里程碑事件,为世界人口事业的发展指明了方向。

    The ICPD is a milestone in the history of population and development , pointing out the direction of our endeavor .

  11. 联合国环境与发展大会是继1972年联合国人类环境大会后国际环境保护史上的又一个里程碑事件。

    The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development was another milestone after the United Nations Conference on Human Environment in the history of international environmental protection .

  12. 7月26日上午,我国自主研制的大型水陆两栖飞机“鲲龙”AG600成功完成海上首飞,这是该项目的又一里程碑事件。

    Kunlong , China 's homegrown AG600 large amphibious aircraft , conducted its first sea-based test flight on Sunday morning , marking a new milestone in the program .

  13. 民权运动,已知的,就有数以万计的里程碑事件。现在,让我们从,1955年蒙哥马利公共汽车抵制事件说起。

    Now , there are tons of milestones in the civil rights movement , but the first one we 're going to start with is the 1955 Montgomery bus boycott .

  14. 我们也见证过60亿人口的里程碑事件:世界上第60亿人口是1999年出生在萨拉热窝的诺里斯,现年12岁的他已经上小学六年级了。

    Also on hand to witness the landmark event was12-year-old Lorrize Mae Guevarra , who was declared the world 's symbolic six billionth baby in1999 and is now in the sixth grade .

  15. 这不仅揭开了科学心理学对高级心理学过程的研究序幕,也是实验心理学史上的里程碑事件之一。

    It is not only the beginning of a new era that scientific psychology takes up research on higher mental processes , but also the milestone in the history of experimental psychology .

  16. 近日,美国首个子宫移植宝宝在德克萨斯州诞生,这是美国一个重要的里程碑事件,该技术几年前在瑞典已经实现。

    The first birth as a result of a womb transplant in the United States has occurred in Texas , a milestone for the U.S. but one achieved several years ago in Sweden .

  17. 能拿起蜡笔画画对12个月大的宝宝来说是里程碑事件,宝宝们远比你想的要早得多就能在纸上涂鸦了。

    Drawing . Since holding a baby-safe crayon is a milestone for 12 months of age , your child might be ready to scribble on paper long before you think she 's able .

  18. 然后,在成本要素的时间维分析上,运用里程碑事件分析方法,按建设工程的进展将成本管理分为项目前期成本管理,项目施工过程中的成本管理,项目竣工后的成本管理。

    Then , according to the time factor and the landmark event analysis , the progress of construction cost management will be divided into pre-project cost management , project cost management and post - project cost management .

  19. 发展中国家人口增长更快,平均年龄也更低,如果假设那里使用Facebook的人口迅速饱和,这会让一些里程碑式事件提前好几年,不过整体来说,变化并没有你想象中的大。

    If we assume a rapid Facebook saturation in the developing world , which currently has a faster-growing and younger population , it shifts many of the landmarks by a handful of years , but doesn 't change the overall picture as much as you might expect .

  20. 对普通的中国人而言,北京奥运会更是标志着中国愈加富强的里程碑式事件。

    For ordinary chinese , Beijing Olympics serves more as a milestone token for a prosperous china .

  21. 捕获时间轴的结构(模型)及其里程碑、事件和通知。

    Capture the structure ( model ) of the timeline and its corresponding milestones , events , and notifications .

  22. 中科院合肥物质科学研究院称,这一里程碑式事件,标志着我国的“全超导托卡马克实验装置(东方超环)”成为了世界上首个运行时间达到百秒量级的托卡马克装置。东方超环也被称作“人造太阳”。

    The milestone meant China 's Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak ( EAST ) , dubbed " artificial sun , " became the world 's first tokamak device to achieve the 100-second-level , Hefei Institute of Physical Science under the Chinese Academy of Sciences said .

  23. 人类基因组计划(HGP)的全面完成无疑是科学发展史上里程碑式的事件,它必将导致新的医学与生物学革命,同时也必然带来一系列新的社会与法律问题。

    The comprehensive finish of Human Genome Project ( HGP ) is indubitably a milestone of development of scientific history .

  24. 这一季至少有18集,而且有可能会增加到22集。美国广播公司娱乐集团总裁KareyBurke说:“在该剧的最后一季,将会有任何一个剧迷都不想错过的里程碑式的事件发生。”

    It will consist of at least 18 episodes and could expand to 22 episodes . Karey Burke , president , ABC Entertainment said : " In its final season , there will be more milestone events that anyone who has been a fan of the series won 't want to miss . "

  25. 具有里程碑意义的事件值得和他人一起庆祝,当你悲惨的时候也需要有人陪伴。

    Milestones deserve to be celebrated , and misery loves company .

  26. 我觉得这是里程碑式的事件。

    I think it is a landmark event .

  27. 这真是一件值得祝贺的事情,是一个里程碑式的事件,是历史的进步。

    This really is something worth celebrating , a milestone , a historical step .

  28. 与一汽,雷天觉集团合作的一个里程碑式的事件工业化进程。

    Cooperation with FAW , Lei Tianjue Group are in the process of industrialization of a landmark event .

  29. 最近的里程碑式的事件是这个学生小组的机器人登陆的创意,它将带去一座可自动搭建的红色的村舍。

    The latest milestone is the creation of the team'slanding robot , which will deliver the self-constructing red cottage .

  30. 也就是那时候,发生了一件具有里程碑意义的事件,也确立了今后他们合作关系的模式:

    It was then that they reached an important milestone , one that would establish a pattern in their partnerships :