
  • 网络Treaty of Lisbon;The Lisbon Treaty
  1. 在《里斯本条约》公投期间,欧盟委员会(ec)明确表示,公司税率没有、也不会受到威胁。

    During the Lisbon treaty referendum the European Commission made clear that this was not and would not be under threat .

  2. 这一职位将根据《里斯本条约》(lisbontreaty)设立,同时还将设立欧盟外交部长一职。

    The post would be created under the Lisbon treaty , which would also establish an EU foreign minister .

  3. 签订《里斯本条约》(lisbontreaty)后,欧洲一体化的终极目标是个禁忌,但如今人们再次公开讨论该目标。

    The ultimate objective of unification was taboo after the Lisbon treaty . Now it is openly discussed again .

  4. 市场很可能会识破不够有力的提议,尤其是当它们违反《里斯本条约》(Lisbontreaty)第123条时,而我的提议是遵从该条款的。

    Markets are likely to see through inadequate proposals , especially if they violate Article 123 of the Lisbon treaty , which my proposal respects .

  5. 愿意加入的国家将需要签署一份新的条约,它应与《里斯本条约》(lisbontreaty)中规定的货币联盟方面的义务相兼容。

    Willing states presumably would need to sign a new treaty that was compatible with their duties in respect of monetary union as set out in the Lisbon treaty .

  6. 如果明年初,英国政府触发《里斯本条约》(TreatyofLisbon)第50条(这将启动英国脱离欧盟的程序),她可能会三思。

    If early next year the British government triggers Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon , which will start the process of the UK leaving the EU , she may rethink .

  7. 拟议中的欧盟宪法在法国和荷兰的全民公决遭到否决,然后迅速重新包装为《里斯本条约》(lisbontreaty),并再次遭到否决这次是爱尔兰。

    A proposed EU constitution was rejected in referendums in France and the Netherlands then promptly repackaged as the Lisbon treaty and rejected again , this time by the voters of Ireland .

  8. 《里斯本条约》(lisbontreaty)最重要的创新之也是到目前为止讨论得最少的一个创新是:欧盟成员国间的群组,有可能加强特定政策领域的合作。

    One of the most important and at the time least discussed innovations of the Lisbon treaty was the possibility for groups of Member States to enhance co-operation in selective policy areas .

  9. 对欧盟持怀疑态度的捷克共和国总统瓦茨拉夫•克劳斯(VaclavKlaus)昨日要求豁免《里斯本条约》(Lisbontreaty)中的权利与自由章节(类似于英国和波兰),从而在批准该条约前又设置了一个障碍。

    Czechs put new hurdle in way of Lisbon pact Vaclav Klaus , the Eurosceptic Czech president , yesterday put up yet another hurdle before ratifying the Lisbon treaty , a demand for an opt-out from the pact 's charter of rights and freedoms similar to that obtained by Britain and Poland .

  10. 这方面,《里斯本条约》不会带来任何改变。

    The Lisbon treaty will change nothing on this front .

  11. 《里斯本条约》的未尽之事同样引人注意。

    Lisbon is also remarkable for what it leaves undone .

  12. 试析爱尔兰全民公投为何否决里斯本条约

    An Analysis on the Reasons Why Irish Referendum Said NO to the Lisbon Treaty

  13. 令人费解的《里斯本条约》在这一点上冗长啰嗦,但对于主席职能的解释却异常简短。

    The impenetrable Lisbon treaty is verbose on this but uncharacteristically brief on the role of representation .

  14. 所发生的事情,上周在表决里斯本条约是一个信心的伎俩史诗比重。

    What happened last week in the vote on the Lisbon Treaty was a confidence trick of epic proportions .

  15. 随着《里斯本条约》生效,欧盟的整体实力将更加强大。

    With the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty , the EU will continue to grow in strength .

  16. 很多民意调查都显示,很多欧洲人对里斯本条约、以及欧洲的各种机构,根本不感兴趣。

    Survey after survey shows that many are not interested in the Lisbon Treaty or the European institutions representing them .

  17. 根据新的里斯本条约,欧盟27国将由一个单一的人物来代表,任期2年半。

    Under the new Lisbon treaty , the EU's27 members will be represented by a single figure , serving for two-and-a-half years .

  18. 然而,更令人震惊的是,里斯本条约可以在未来不需要补充协议或全民公决的条件下无限期延长。

    Most alarmingly , though , is that the Lisbon Treaty can be extended indefinitely without recourse to further treaties or referendums .

  19. 它(《里斯本条约》)危及我国居民的合法地位和财产权利的稳定。

    It [ the treaty ] endangers the legal status of the citizens and the stability of property rights in our country .

  20. 对里斯本条约说“不”会给爱尔兰带来毁灭的命运,而对欧洲来说这只是小菜一碟&这种说法其实是站不住脚的。

    Yet these arguments that a No spells doom for Ireland , but a mere hiccup for Europe are the wrong way round .

  21. 例如,欧洲央行已有效地挽救了爱尔兰银行系统,而爱尔兰也成功地通过了《里斯本条约》。

    For instance , the European Central Bank has effectively bailed out the Irish banking system and Ireland has resoundingly endorsed Lisbon Treaty .

  22. 2009年12月1日里斯本条约终于走完成员国的全部批准程序正式生效。

    In December 1st of 2009 , through strict approvals procedures in member state , the treaty of Lisbon finally come into force .

  23. 2001年被首次提出的《里斯本条约》被认为在优化欧盟以及允许欧盟在世界舞台上发挥更大作用方面至关重要。

    Lisbon , first proposed in 2001 , is seen as vital to streamlining the EU and allowing it to project greater power on the world stage .

  24. 戈登·布朗错误地坚称工党承诺就欧盟宪法举行公投的宣言并不适用于里斯本条约。

    Gordon Brown was wrong to insist that Labour 's manifesto commitment to hold a referendum on the EU constitution did not apply to the Lisbon treaty .

  25. 一周前,爱尔兰选民在第二次全民公投中批准了里斯本条约,似乎让欧盟的未来变得清晰起来,而克劳斯的新要求则引发了混乱。

    Mr Klaus 's new demand stirred confusion a week after Irish voters appeared to clarify the bloc 's future by approving the treaty in a second referendum .

  26. 2005年的法国和荷兰公投使欧盟陷入危机,2008年爱尔兰的公投又差点使里斯本条约流产。

    For example , the referendums in France and Netherlands plugged EU into crisis , and the referendum in Ireland almost made the treaty of Lisbon come to nothing .

  27. 范龙佩担任欧盟新总统,根据里斯本条约,就职后他将首次主持会议。

    Herman Van Rompuy , the EU 's new president , will chair the meeting for the first time since his appointment under the terms of the Lisbon treaty .

  28. 它想给里斯本条约一个施展的机会,比利时外交官这样解释道:新任的总统和高级代表必须成为欧洲真正意义上的发言人。

    It wants to give the new treaty a chance to work , its diplomats explain : the new president and high rep must become Europe 's true spokesmen .

  29. 是一个好口号,然而现实是,里斯本条约本是个纠结的过程,在那之后,至少十年内不会再有类似的条约出现了。

    Is a good slogan , but , in reality , after the agonies over Lisbon there aren 't likely to be any similar treaties for at least a decade .

  30. 根据《里斯本条约》,欧盟将设立一个拥有更多资源、更大权力的外交代表职位,这应该有助于进一步实现欧洲在全球重大问题上采取共同立场的长期任务。

    The Lisbon treaty will create a souped-up foreign minister with more resources , which should help further the long-term work of carving out common European positions on the big global issues .