
  • 网络gravimeter;gravity meter;LCR;LCR-G;ZLS
  1. 测量队员们使用了全球卫星导航系统接收机、重力仪、雪深雷达和气象测量仪器进行测量作业。本次珠峰高程测量应用的创新科技包括北斗三号卫星导航系统、国产测绘仪器装备、航空重力仪、三维交互虚拟现实等技术。

    The surveyors used a global navigation satellite system receiver , a gravimeter , snow-depth radar and a meteorological measuring instrument to determine the height of Qomolangma . Innovations applied virtual reality .

  2. 拉科斯特G型重力仪测量精度的统计分析

    A statisical analysis of measurement accuracy by LCR-G gravimeter

  3. 拉科斯特G型重力仪格值的解析函数化

    Analytic function to indicate the scale values of LCR-G gravimeters

  4. 拉科斯特G型重力仪的格值表是以分段线性的形式给出的。

    The Scale table of LCR-G gravimeter is given in form of sectional linearity .

  5. ET重力仪数据采集显示系统

    ET Gravimeter Data Acquiring and Display System

  6. 基于虚拟仪器LaCoste&RombergET型重力仪数据采集和显示系统

    Date Acquisition and Display System of LaCoste & Romberg ET Gravimeter Based on Visual instrument

  7. 本文记述了对兰州台GS&11型重力仪C值标定方法的两次改进与精度逐渐提高的过程。

    Twice improvements of GS-11 gravimeter in C value standardization with the precision increase in Lanzhou seismic station has been described by the paper .

  8. ET型潮汐重力仪的改进

    An improved et earth tide gravimeter

  9. LCR(G)型重力仪格值因子的测定

    The Determination of Linear Factor for the LCR ( G ) Gravimeters

  10. LaCosteG型重力仪气压改正方法的研究

    Method to correct the atmospheric effects on LaCoste G gravimeters

  11. GS型重力仪记录格值标定试验

    Calibration test for recording scale value of gs-type gravimeter

  12. GS型重力仪的静电反馈与静电标定

    Electrostatic feedback and electrostatic calibration for GS gravimeter

  13. Gs重力仪改进设计

    The improved design of GS gravity meter

  14. LaCoste-Romberg(G)型重力仪读数系统的误差分析

    The error analysis of the reading system on LACOSTE-ROMBERG ( g ) gravimeter

  15. Lacoste-Romberg(G)型重力仪数学模型

    The mathematical model of lacoste-romberg ( g ) gravity meter

  16. 针对重力仪与GPS观测数据的空间同步,建立了位置、速度和加速度的偏心改正公式;

    For the local coordination of the airborne gravimeter and the GPS antenna phase center , the lever arm corrections with respect to the GPS position , velocity and acceleration are formulated .

  17. Lacoste-RombergG型重力仪周期误差检定的优化问题

    The Optimization Problem of Calibrating the Periodic Errors of Lacoste and Romberg Model " G " Gravity Meter

  18. 同时也对LCR和阿斯卡尼亚重力仪观测结果进行了讨论。

    The results from the LCR and Askania gravimeters will also be discussed in the paper .

  19. 三套GRAF海洋重力仪常数检定结果的分析

    Analysis of Calibrating Constants of Three GRAF Seagravimeters

  20. 利用实测资料确定LCR重力仪的线性格值和周期误差参数

    Determination of linear and periodic error parameters for the scale value of LCR gravimeters by observed gravity data

  21. 改进后的Gs重力仪的观测可靠性、观测资料质量及自动化程度得到提高,并具备数字接口功能。

    The observation reliability , the quantity of data and the automatic level of the Gs gravity meter are improved and it has also a digital interface function .

  22. 本文讨论了用法码法检定Lacoste-RombergG型重力仪周期误差的优化问题。

    This paper deals with the optimization problem of calibrating the periodic errors of Lacoste-Romberg model " G " Land gravity meter by weight method .

  23. 国际GGP计划和武汉超导重力仪观测

    GGP Project and Observations Using Wuhan Superconducting Gravimeter

  24. Lacoste重力仪的周期误差

    Periodic errors of LACOSTE-ROMBERG gravimeter

  25. 从Lacoste-Romberg重力仪零位移特性的分析论提高观测精度的途径

    The way of improving observation precision based on an analysis of zero drift character of LACOSTE-ROMBERG gravimeter

  26. LCR-G型重力仪长期动态漂移特性的初步研究

    Study on the long term dynamic drift character for LCR-G gravimeter

  27. GWR超导重力仪潮汐观测标定因子的精密测定

    Accurate determination of calibration factor for tidal gravity observation of a gwr - superconducting gravimeter

  28. 本文针对LaCoste-RombergG型重力仪(下文简称为LCR-G型重力仪)长期、中期、短期及静态漂移问题进行了探讨。

    In this paper the problem of the long-term , intermediates-term , short-term and static drifts of LaCoste-Romberg Model G Gravimeters is discussed .

  29. 为了获得弹簧振子的潜在灵敏度,在此提出了利用F-P干涉仪测量传统重力仪中弹簧振子位移的新方法。

    In order to obtain the potential sensitivity , a new method using the F-Pinterferometer to measure the displacement of the spring oscillator in the traditional gravimeter is proposed .

  30. LCR-G型重力仪数字化连续重力观测系统

    Digital Gravity Continuous Observation System with LCR-G Gravimeter