
chónɡ shí
  • recollect
  1. 金尼试图重拾生疏了的打字技术。

    Ginny tried to sharpen up some rusty typing skills .

  2. 用友善和富有同情心的倾听来重拾她的信心。

    Build her up with kindness and a sympathetic ear

  3. 其目的是要重拾过去的自豪感,建立一个有礼节的社会。

    Its intention is to restore pride in the past and create a more mannered society

  4. 埃米重拾学业。

    Amy went back to studying .

  5. 做了牙齿种植的病人都反映种植牙使他们重拾信心且改善了生活质量。

    Patients with implants have reported their confidence has been restored and their quality of life improved .

  6. 英国政府官员对于g20还能否重拾活力感到怀疑。

    Government officials question whether the G20 will regain its dynamism .

  7. 第二条新闻是,自2014年将其原有业务卖给微软(Microsoft)后,诺基亚重拾手机业务。

    The second piece of news was Nokia 's return to mobile phones after selling its original business to Microsoft in 2014 .

  8. 但如果我在脸书(Facebook)上做的非科学调查有那么一丁点参考价值的话,我想我们之中仍然有许多人在重拾旧书。

    Yet if my admittedly unscientific research on Facebook is anything to go by , furtive re-readers are everywhere in our midst .

  9. Jones写有一个广受欢迎的博客,她常向那些为简历所困扰的年轻人谈及重拾青春的快乐。

    Jones has kept a popular blog and spoken widely about restoring the joys of youth to young people obsessed with their resumes .

  10. 在二月,我重拾Grails知识,开始艰难地教那些不懂Java的开发人员。

    In February , I refreshed my Grails knowledge , later learning that it was tough to teach Grails to developers that didn 't know Java .

  11. 迈克尔戴尔(michaeldell)甚至谈到试图重拾创业精神,只是这次“资本多了一些”。

    Michael Dell even talked of trying to recapture the spirit of the start-up , only this time with " a little more capital " .

  12. 英国一名女子曾因被同学冠以“鱼嘴”的外号,饱受欺辱而被迫辍学。如今,她通过成为翻版LadyGaga重拾自信。

    A British woman who was nicknamed " fish lips " and bullied out of school has regained her confidence by becoming a Lady Gaga lookalike .

  13. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)有关各国央行储备资产构成的数据显示,在2012年第二季度市场对欧元区经济重拾信心时,储备主管们就在提高欧元的持有量。

    International Monetary Fund data on the composition of central bank reserves show reserve managers were increasing their holdings of euros as confidence returned in the second quarter of 2012 .

  14. 雪佛兰在1995年重拾“蒙特卡罗”(MonteCarlo)这个名字,用它称呼一款前驱的两门版鲁米娜(Lumina)轿车。但它只是一个苍白的仿制品而已。

    The Monte Carlo name was revived in1995 for a12-year run as a two-door version of the front-wheel-drive , Lumina but it was only a pale imitation .

  15. 野田佳彦形容此类提议是对央行独立性的潜在危险打击,同时重拾已导致日本政府总债务达到GDP两倍多的浪费巨大的建设政策。

    Mr Noda has portrayed such proposals as a potentially dangerous assault on central bank independence and a return to the wasteful construction policies that have helped saddle the state with gross debt of more than twice GDP .

  16. 卡梅伦的队伍并非提议重拾1996年约翰•梅杰采用的“不作为”政策(non-cooppolicy),是时英国与欧盟进行“牛肉战”,这也是保守党在对欧盟问题上一个惨痛的回忆。

    Mr Cameron 's team are not proposing to revive the non-coop policy that John Major tried during the " beef war " of1996 , another unhappy Tory European memory .

  17. 《为人民的资本主义:重拾美国繁荣时期消失的天才》作者:LuigiZingales

    A Capitalism for the People : Recapturing the Lost Genius of American Prosperity . By Luigi Zingales .

  18. 第一个进展,发生在1937年的德国,在K.楚泽位于柏林的家里。楚泽是一位工程师,他重拾了巴贝奇的许多观点,但不包括条件分支。

    The first development had , in fact , occurred in 1937 Germany , at the Berlin home of K. Zuse , an engineer who had rediscovered many of Babbage 's ideas , though not that of conditional branching .

  19. 据知情人士透露,aig董事会及美国政府尚未决定,是接受降价还是放弃交易,重拾让aia在港上市的最初计划。

    People close to the situation said the AIG board and the US government had yet to decide whether to accept a reduced price or scrap the deal and revert to their original plan of listing AIA in Hong Kong .

  20. 海地的新总统MichelMartelly曾在竞选期间,呼吁大家重拾已经受伤的民族自豪感,并且承诺削减和平部队军事力量,甚至用重新成立的海地军队替代他们。

    Haiti 's new president , Michel Martelly , appealed to wounded national pride during his campaign , promising a cut in peacekeeping troops and their replacement by a newly reconstituted Haitian army .

  21. 广告公司智威汤逊(JWT)北亚总监兼大中华区首席执行长唐锐涛(TomDoctoroff)说,许多人已经意识这种做法是斯文扫地,反日情绪会慢慢平息,中国消费者会重拾他们的实用主义。

    ' Many recognize that this is perceived as a loss of dignity , ' said Tom Doctoroff , North Asia area director and Greater China CEO of ad agency JWT . ' It will die down , and they [ Chinese consumers ] will reassert their pragmatism . '

  22. 近日,宝洁旗下的高端护肤品牌SK-II推出了一则新广告,以纪录片的叙事风格试图洗去“剩女”一词的负面含义,并且帮助中国的未婚女性在事业中重拾自信,勇敢追寻真爱。

    A new documentary-style commercial from SK-II , a high-end skincare brand owned by Procter And Gamble , aims to remove the stigma from this term - and empower the country 's unmarried women to find pride in their careers and devotion to finding real love .

  23. 你给了她重拾自我的力量。

    You gave her the strength to remember who she was .

  24. 那遗落一地的愁殇,我无心重拾。

    The corners of the sorrow ruin , I regain unintentionally .

  25. 但是在经历了一场又一场比赛的洗礼后,我逐渐地重拾自我。

    But with one match after another , I gradually recovered .

  26. 回到一个可以重拾梦想的地方。

    To a place where it 's okay to dream again .

  27. 画家通过这些技法的使用重拾生活的信心。

    Painter by these techniques use to regain confidence in life .

  28. 本期的跨越边界将重拾这份遗失的财富。

    This installment of Crossing borders breaks out this lost treasure .

  29. 重拾公平竞争精神诠释科技奥运

    Explanation on Technical Olympics Depending on the Spirit of Fair play

  30. 而1967年的胜利给了他们重拾信仰的理由。

    The triumph in 1967 gave them reason to believe again .