
  • 网络Repeat Purchases
  1. 然而由于B2C电子商务的虚拟性及其进入门槛低,使得企业面临着激烈的价格竞争和极低的顾客重复购买率。

    However , due to the virtual nature of B2C e-commerce and its low barriers to entry enable , enterprises faced with fierce competition on price and a very low rate of repeat purchase .

  2. 对目标顾客的有效选择,可以使企业获得高的顾客保持率、重复购买率和高的利润率。

    A combination of customer demand status , customer potential retention time and customer potential profitability is a more reliable and valid standard .

  3. 营销学中的服务营销理论告诉我们:服务的目的是使顾客满意,从而提高顾客忠诚度和顾客的重复购买率,进一步增强企业的营利性。

    Services marketing theory of Marketing tells us : service is intended to provide customer satisfaction , thereby enhancing customer loyalty and repeat purchase rate , and further enhance their profit .

  4. 然而,面临着激烈的价格竞争和极低的顾客重复购买率,服装电子商务企业只有保有自己稳定的顾客群,才能保持自己的竞争优势。

    But facing fierce price competition and low rate of repeat customers purchase , only e-commerce businesses to maintain their own stable customer base , in order to maintain their competitive advantage .