
zhònɡ lì bà
  • dam of gravity type
  1. 重力坝CAD系统

    A CAD System for Design of Gravity Dams

  2. 基于ANSYS的重力坝基本断面的优化设计

    An ANSYS-based Optimal Design for the Primary Section of Gravity Dam

  3. 用JI积分计算重力坝裂缝的应力强度因子KI

    Calculation of Stress Factor K_I By Means Of Integral J_I

  4. Ansys在混凝土重力坝振型分解反应谱分析中的应用

    Application of Ansys to Analysis of Vibration Type Decomposition Response Spectrum of a Concrete Gravity Dam

  5. DDA与FEM耦合法在分缝重力坝非线性分析中的应用

    DDA coupled FEM and its application in concrete gravity dams with joints

  6. 应用ANSYS的后处理功能可得出重力坝的位移、应力、应变分布图。

    Stress and strain distribution and deformed state of gravity dam is gained by the post-treatment of ANSYS .

  7. 百色RCC重力坝坝基稳定性数值模拟研究

    Numerical study of Baise RCC Gravity Dam Foundation

  8. 最后,计算了在水压超载和不同坝高情况下重力坝坝踵切口的应力强度因子k1、k2,同时还与采用文献[1]公式的计算结果进行了比较。

    Finally the stress intensity factors of the heel notches of the gravity dams under the condition of overload and different height are calculated .

  9. 百色RCC重力坝右岸挡水坝段滑移模式及滑移路径的研究

    Study of Sliding Mode and Sliding Paths of 9th Dam Block of Baise RCC Dam

  10. h型自适应有限元法计算重力坝应力的控制标准及改善坝踵区应力分布的方法探讨

    The Stress Control Criterion of Gravity Dam Based on h-version Adaptive FEM and the Consideration in Improving the Distribution of the Stress in the Dam Heel

  11. RCC重力坝防渗体温度场的三维有限元浮动网格法仿真分析

    Impervious Element Temperature Field Simulating Analysis Using Three-Dimensional Finite Element Relocating Mesh Method for RCC Dam

  12. 百色RCC重力坝典型坝段坝基静动力稳定性及破坏机理研究

    Static & Dynamic Stability Study and Failure Mechanism Investigation of Typical Blocks of Baise RCC Gravity Dam

  13. 高寒地区某RCC重力坝保温措施及效果分析

    Application and Effect Evaluation for the Heat Preservation Measures of a RCC Gravity Dam in Cold Region

  14. 将几何模型导入到ANSYS中做有限元分析的前处理,采用六面体单元对重力坝进行网格划分。

    Then the solid geometry model is entered into ANSYS to do the pre-treatment of FEM . It is disassembled by hexahedron elements .

  15. 龙滩高RCC重力坝夏季不同浇筑温度的温控防裂研究

    Temperature control and cracking prevention of Longtan High RCC Gravity Dam with different concrete placement temperatures in summer

  16. 采用ANSYS的APDL语言编制了碾压混凝土重力坝温度场、温度应力场的仿真计算程序。

    APDL language of ansys are used to compile the simulation and analysis programs of thermal field and thermal stress .

  17. 混凝土硐塞加固重力坝基缓倾角结构面等K设计方法研究

    Stresses and Deformations of Dam Foundations With Structural Plane of Gentle Inclination Study on the Equal K Design Method for the Gentle Sloping Fissure Strengthened by Shear Keys at Gravity Dam Foundations

  18. 用刚体极限平衡法概念分析重力坝的深层抗滑稳定,有三种典型方法,即被动抗力法,剩余推力法和等K值法。

    There are 3 typical methods in using rigid limit balance theory to analyze the dam stability against in deep layer , they are Passive Stress Method , Remained Pushing-force Method and Equal-k Value Method .

  19. 运用人工智能专家系统的原理和构造方法,采用VB语言创建重力坝坝基岩体分级专家系统。

    The principles and construction of artificial intelligence expert system are applied to establish , with VB language , a rock classification expert system for concrete gravity dam foundation .

  20. 研究内容包括:(1)运用ANSYS软件建立无增强措施的重力坝有限元模型,进行材料非线性动力时程分析。

    The research contents include : ( 1 ) After establishing the finite element model without any strengthening measures by using ANSYS software , the nonlinear dynamic time history analysis was accomplished .

  21. CSG坝是一种介于传统土石坝和重力坝之间的新坝型,它兼备两种坝型的优点,并且具有一些自身独特的优势。

    CSG dam is a kind of new dam type that between traditional earth-rockfill dam and concrete gravity dam .

  22. 介绍了ANSYS有限元软件求解结构内力的过程,阐述了其分析应用,并完成了一个重力坝的内力分析。

    This article introduced the the solution procedure of structure stress by finite element software ANSYS , represent the application of ANSYS , at last we finished the stress analysis of a gravity dam .

  23. 利用APDL参数化语言,编制ANSYS命令流文件,实现ANSYS软件的参数的自动读入,从而实现软基重力坝参数化实体模型的自动建立。

    Using computer language of APDL , write the documents ANSYS to achieve the parameters of ANSYS software automatically read in order to achieve soft gravity-based parametric solid model is automatically created .

  24. 本文以不同的混凝土重力坝为例,分别采用时程法和拟静力法进行了FRP加固混凝土坝的地震损伤破坏模拟。

    Herein take some concrete gravity dams with different feature for examples , seismic damage simulations are explored without and with FRP reinforcement on basis of time history method and quasi-static method .

  25. 江垭水利枢纽大坝为全断面碾压混凝土重力坝,坝高128m。

    This is a whole profile roller compacted concrete gravity dam with height 128m .

  26. 采用ANSYS结构分析软件,对某混凝土重力坝进行有限元应力分析,研究了地基弹性模量及地基不均匀性对坝体应力的影响,由此得出一些有益的结论,可供设计参考。

    This paper makes FEM studies on stress of gravity dam with ANSYS software for structure analysis . It analyzed the influence of base 's elastic modulus and heterogeneity on dam stress and educes some useful conclusion for designers .

  27. 采用非线性优化方法中的序列二次规划法(SQP)优化碾压混凝土重力坝坝体体型。

    Sequential quadratic programming ( SQP ) method , one of nonlinear optimization methods , is adopted to optimize section configuration of roller_compacted concrete ( RCC ) gravity dams .

  28. 作为工程应用,结合该评价体系,对金安桥水电站碾压混凝土重力坝在OBE、MDE和MCE三个地震设防水准下的抗震安全性进行了评价。

    As an engineering application , the seismic safety evaluation of Jin ' anqiao RCC gravity dam at OBE , MDE and MCE is assessed based on the framework .

  29. 具体应用中要在仿真分析的基础上进行周密的MgO掺量与温控设计碾压混凝土重力坝施工期温度应力仿真及温控防裂措施研究

    In the practical application , the MgO admixture amount and temperature control measures should be carefully determined on the basis of simulation analysis . Thermal Stress Simulation Analysis during Construction Period and Temperature Control Measures for Crack Prevention Studies on RCC Gravity Dam

  30. 本文采用序列线性规划法进行宽缝重力坝断面优化设计,并用Lemke算法求解其中的线性规划问题。

    The sequence linear program method is adopted for optimum design of concrete gravity dams with broad joints . The linear program problem is solved by Lemke algorithm .