
  • 网络gravity balance;gravitational equilibrium
  1. 空间对接缓冲试验台对接环重力平衡技术

    Gravity balance technique of active docking ring for spacecraft docking test table

  2. 航天器对接六维试验台内装式重力平衡技术

    Gravity balance technique installed on six-freedom spacecraft docking test table

  3. 这是液体表面张力与重力平衡的结果。

    This is the result of the equilibrium of the expansion force of the surface and its weight .

  4. 设计了通过2个导向链轮连接的重力平衡机构,实现了精确平衡。

    In addition , a gravity balance system connected by 2 guide chain wheels is designed to realize precise balance .

  5. 我国自行研制的三向六自由度大型地震模拟振动台(以下简称三向台)采用蓄能器液压马达系统作为其重力平衡装置。

    The accumulator-hydraulic motor system ( AHMS ) is employed to serve as the gravity balance system of the TDSS .

  6. 这块200-300米大的星体位于我们星球前方一个重力平衡点上,不对地球构成任何危险。

    The200-300m-wide rock sits in front of our planet at a gravitational " sweet spot ", and poses no danger .

  7. 再次,针对测量机器人产生动态测量误差的主要原因,采用重力平衡方式进行平衡以减小动态误差。

    Third , aimed at the main reason of dynamic errors , gravity balanced approach is adopted to decrease dynamic error .

  8. 但是,无论是平面封闭型、圆筒封闭型还是重力平衡型气体导轨都存在着结构复杂,加工难度大等问题。

    However , the problems such as complex structure and large size still exist in plane closed aerostatic guide , cylinder aerostatic guide and gravity balanced aerostatic guide .

  9. 在研究中,本文考虑的升船机整体系统,包括了将悬吊系统考虑在内的提升系统、重力平衡重、转矩平衡重、承船厢、厢内水和水中的船舶。

    In our study , the shiplift system consists of lifting system , the mass counterweights , the moment counterweights , the chamber , water in the chamber and ships in the water .

  10. 然而,在空间微重力环境下,某些利用重力平衡原理的辨识方法无法应用;此外,用于测量空间机器人关节加速度和驱动力矩的传感器,信噪比也较低。

    However , because of the microgravity environment , some methods which use the principle of gravity balance fail to unitize . Furthermore , some sensors use to measure acceleration and driving moment in space robots have lower signal-to-noise ratio .

  11. 在分析气平衡链条抽油机的使用性能之后,提出了改气平衡系统为重力平衡系统等一系列改造措施,先后改造了202台现有气平衡链条抽油机。

    After an analysis of the service performance of air balanced chain drive pumping units , measures were taken for changing the air balancing mechanism to weight balancing mechanism . And 202 air balanced chain drive pumping units were modified .

  12. 重力全平衡提升式升船机的自振特性和稳定性分析

    Free vibration characteristics and stability analysis of shiplift system

  13. 一种新型的重力自平衡&自由流电泳仪的研制及其应用研究

    Development of a New Free-Flow Electrophoresis Apparatus with Self-Balance System Due to Gratis Gravity and Study of Its Application

  14. 在基坑抗突涌分析中,用上覆土层的重力来平衡水压力是一种常用的计算方法。

    The equilibrium between gravity of the upper impermeable stratum and water pressure is a common calculation method for anti - uprush of foundation pit .

  15. 重力式平衡机是利用偏重力矩检测盘状零件不平衡度的一种设备。

    The balancing machine of the gravitation type is an equipment for detecting the unbalance of disc-shaped parts by means of the moment caused by centre-of-gravity shift .

  16. 它的正确计算以及与船体重力的平衡水平是保证整船准静态分析获得正确结果的关键。

    The correct calculation for wave loadings is necessary to assure the correct results in the whole ship 's quasi-static state condition analysis , as well as the balance situation with the ship weight .

  17. 由于井筒压力下降,底水产生一个向上的力,促使油层底部的水上升到一定的高度,在水&油界面处上升动力与水的重力相平衡。

    Bottom water buildup a upward power comes by wellbore pressure drop down , then force the bottom water raise up to a definite altitude , there is a balance situation between upward force and water gravity in the oil-water interface .

  18. 永磁体提供基本的悬浮力,电磁铁起调节作用,只要使电磁、永磁产生的合力与车体的重力相平衡,车体就可以悬浮在不同的位置而处于平衡状态,从而实现电动车辆的磁悬浮功能。

    As long as the levitation force between the electromagnet and the permanent magnet are equal to the gravity , the chassis can be suspended in different positions and in balance , thereby the magnetic suspension functions of the electric vehicles can be realized .

  19. 注入高矿化度、高密度盐水可降低油水粘度比,发挥重力抑制平衡作用,提高反韵律油层的纵向波及效率,在陡构造油藏边缘注盐水可降低含水上升速度,从而改善了开发效果。

    Injection of saline with high salinity can reduce the oil-water viscosity ratio , allow gravity restriction and equilibration , and increase vertical sweep efficiency in reservoirs with reverse cycles . In high dip reservoirs injection of saline can reduce the rate of water cut increase .

  20. 对转子的重力和不平衡量对系统的油膜涡动和油膜振荡的影响进行了计算和分析。

    The effect of the eccentricity and gravity of rotor on the oil whirl and oil whip is analyzed .

  21. 在该实验中,学生要证明钢丝绳承担重力的静力平衡结果。

    In this experiment , students will verify the consequences of static equilibrium for a weight suspended from a cable .

  22. 然后,根据波浪中重力与浮力平衡、纵倾力矩之和为零这两个条件来求取横摇稳性力臂值。汽车横向静侧翻稳定性的仿真评估

    Finally , the values of roll stability , in accordance with the condition of the balance between gravity and buoyancy of ship in waves and also with that the sum of trim moments is zero are obtained . Simulation Evaluation of the Statically Lateral Roll Stability for Automobiles

  23. 在重力的影响下平衡的改变会形成不必要力矩,结果使陀螺姿态基准产生漂移。

    The balance change under the influence of gravity might cause a spurious torque resulting in drift of the gyro attitude reference .

  24. 其中,冰晶视为带负电荷的背景,以重力和摩擦力相平衡的收尾速度运动。

    The ice particles act as a negatively charged background moving with the terminal velocity as a result of the balance between the gravity and neutral air friction .

  25. 在分析重力带来的面形误差的基础上,给出了重力平衡的方法;

    The method of gravity compensation is presented based on the analysis of slope error caused by gravity .

  26. 损耗大气中重力波场的传输方程是研究中高层大气重力波能量收支平衡的出发点。

    The transport equation provides a basis for studying the budget and balance of gravity wave energy in the middle and upper atmosphere .