
  1. 存在、劳动和本体论&关于重建历史唯物主义前提的探讨

    Being , Labor and Ontology & the Discussion of Precondition about Rebuilding Historical Materialism

  2. 以重建历史唯物主义为己任的法兰克福学派,对晚期资本主义社会及其实践做了比较深入的研究,在三个主要方面对马克思主义社会哲学。

    Assuming " reconstructing history materilism " as its own mission , Frankfurt School makes relatively profound research into " the late capitalist society " and its practice .

  3. 在对现代性问题的思想史脉络加以简略地梳理之后,着重讨论了他的交往理论概念,以及通过重建历史唯物主义而提出的社会进化理论。

    After simply giving thought history of Modernity , it emphasizes his concept of communicative ration , moreover it tries to discuss his social evolution theory putted forward by reconstructed historical materialism .

  4. 在此基础上,他以交往理论为基础重建历史唯物主义,并对晚期资本主义社会进行预测性分析,这是他重建历史唯物主义的目的。

    On this basis , he regards the acquaintance theory as base of rebuilding of historical materialism , and makes the predictive analysis of later capitalism society . This is his aim of rebuilding of historical materialism .

  5. 哈贝马斯重建了历史唯物主义的理论框架,并对马克思生产范式理论进行了批判。

    Actually , Habermas reconstructed the theoretical framework of historical materialism , and criticized Marx 's theory of production paradigm .