
  • 网络the new left;Neo-marxists or neo-left
  1. 在他看来,新左派事实上是在同新自由主义争论,他并且建议说使用“批判性知识分子(criticalintellectual)”这个术语更为准确。

    In his view the new left is really debating neoliberalism , and he suggests the term " critical intellectual " is more precise .

  2. 最近德国社会学家沃尔夫冈施特雷克(wolfgangstreeck)在《新左派评论》(newleftreview)上撰文,对西方社会的问题作出了最有力的阐述。

    The most powerful description of what has gone wrong in Western societies was recently laid out by the German sociologist Wolfgang streeck in the New Left Review .

  3. 以安德森(PerryAnderson)、奈恩(TomNairn)为代表的英国第二代新左派接受了欧洲大陆理论并竭力把它移植入英国,这一举动遭到汤普森的强烈反对。

    The second generation of English New Left represented by Perry Anderson and Tom Nairn accepted Europe mainland theory and endeavoured to bring it into Britain , which was strongly against by Thompson .

  4. 道德和革命:英国新左派中的伦理论争

    Morality and Revolution : Ethical Debates in the British New Left

  5. 新左派很强调文化的作用。

    The new left placed much emphasis on the role of culture .

  6. 英国新左派史学衰落的原因及其遗产探论

    On Reasons for British New Left History 's Decline and Its Heritage

  7. 论英国新左派的福利观

    On the Welfare Views of the British New Left

  8. 美国六十年代的新左派运动

    The new left movement of the 1960s

  9. 文化唯物主义和英国新左派的兴起有着很大关联。

    Cultural Materialism and the rise of the British New Left has a great relevance .

  10. 20世纪60年代美国新左派运动历史背景之分析

    An Analysis of the Historical Background of the New Left Movement in America in the 1960s

  11. 不过,在新左派拥护什么的问题上,仍有很大的不同看法。

    Still , there remains great difference of opinion over what the new left stands for .

  12. 反对混合主义、新左派和后现代的治史态度,反对庸俗的技术主义。

    We are against mixed , new leftist and postmodern attitude and we are against vulgar technocracy .

  13. 美国新左派运动述评

    On American new left

  14. 格雷厄姆·默多克是西方传媒政治经济学的主要开创者、当今英国新左派的代表人物。

    Graham Murdock is representative of the British new left school and chief initiator of media political economics .

  15. 自由主义与“新左派”必然长期共存,因为他们都是现代社会的批判力量。

    Liberalism and Neo-leftism will undoubtedly coexist for a prolonged period as two critical forces in modern China .

  16. 在对第一代新左派的道德政治实践的拒绝中,安德森走向了科学的政治实践。

    Refusing the moral political practice of the first generation new left , Anderson had headed to scientific political practice .

  17. 政治传统揭示了文化研究与英国新左派有着密切的联系。

    From the political tradition , we can see that " Cultural Studies " is associated very closely with the British New Left .

  18. 笔者认为,新左派文学史观给我们带来了文学研究的新视野,但也带来了诸多问题。

    The author believes that the new leftist literary history has brought us a new vision of literary studies , but also brought many problems .

  19. 结构主义的马克思主义的成员多是上个世纪60年代加入《新左派评论》杂志的编辑。

    The most of members of the Structuralist Marxism are the editors of New Left Review , who mostly joined in the magazine in the 1960 's.

  20. 农村始终是新左派尤为关注的一块领域,他们视之为市场经济失败的最佳实例。

    One area of particular concern for new leftists has always been the countryside , which they point to as a prime example of market-economy failures .

  21. 但安第斯石油公司并未能免缴最近新左派政府开征的暴利税,该公司正考虑将此事提交国际仲裁。

    But Andes petroleum has not been spared a windfall tax introduced recently by the new leftist government and is considering taking the government to international arbitration .

  22. 在西方当代批评语境中,以雷蒙.威廉斯为旗手的英国新左派文化研究率先批判传统的英国文学研究。

    In the context of contemporary literary studies , English New Left cultural studies heralded by Raymond Williams first launched the critiquing of traditional English literary studies .

  23. 以《新左派评论》为中心的新左派转而探讨文化问题,由于缺乏共同的纲领和实施空间,逐渐衰落。

    The New Left which centered on New Left Review changed to discuss cultural issues and gradually declined , owing to the lack of a common platform and space .

  24. 沃勒斯坦作为新左派马克思主义的代表之一,在吸收马克思主义理论和依附理论的基础上,以历史宏观的视角对世界体系进行了分析。

    As a commissary of the new left-wing Marxism , Immanuel Wallerstein analyzed the world system from the history macroscopical point based on the affection of Marxism theory and Attachment theory .

  25. 当代中国大众文化的研究大致可以概括为三种比较典型的范式,即批判理论范式、现代化理论范式与新左派理论范式。

    In many articles on Chinese mass culture , we can find three major theoretical paradigms or perspectives . They are critical theory , modernization theory , and new leftist theory .

  26. 第二次激进妇女运动兴起的原因主要是妇女自身的改变、民权运动与新左派运动的影响。

    The main reasons for the revival of this movement could be found in the following areas : employment of women , influence of the civil rights and new left movements .

  27. 作为新左派的理论之父,雷蒙德?威廉斯不仅是英国新马克思主义的重要代表,同时也是英国文化研究之当仁不让的灵魂人物。

    As a new theory of " leftist " the father , Raymond Williams is not only the important British new marxism , is also the British study brings out the soul .

  28. 新左派以现代性反思的名义将1942至1976年间的社会主义现实主义作品指认为反现代的现代文学,并高度肯定这种文学及其主导性地位的合理性。

    The New Left refers the so-called socialist realism from 1942 to 1976 as anti-modern modernity literature , under the name of modern reflection , and highly affirms this kind of literature and its dominant position is reasonable .

  29. 第一章首先分两部分来考察新左派史学兴起的社会背景和学科背景,其次则重点从总体上分析了其史学特征,即:激进主义、现代理念和下层意识。

    Chapter One firstly explores the social and academic backgrounds of the rise of New Left history respectively , and then analyzes its historical features on the whole , which were radicalism , modernism and the thought for the bottom .

  30. 20世纪60年代的美国新左派运动是美国社会现代化过程中各种矛盾聚集的结果,是在经济、文化、政治等诸因素的共同作用下形成的。

    The new left movement in America during the 1960s came as a result of the conglomeration of various contradictions in the country 's modernization , and it was also the consequence of economics , culture and politics acting collectively .