
xīn shì
  • modern;new type;new-style;latest type
新式 [xīn shì]
  • [new type;new style] 新出现的式样

新式[xīn shì]
  1. 通过对新式乙醛再生器结构存在问题的剖析以引起有关设计、施工人员对其衬里工程的重视,力求在以后的设计施工中解决衬里结构问题,提高村里工程质量。

    Through analysis of problems existing in new type aldehyde regenerator structure to bring the design and construction personnel 's attention to the lining engineering , and strive to solve the problem of lining structure in consequent design and construction and to improve the quality of lining engineering .

  2. 介绍一款用VISUALBASIC开发的新式组态控制软件。

    This paper introduces a new type of configuration software in Visual Basic for DCS .

  3. 新式背包把承重量分散在更大的面积上。

    Modern backpacks spread the load over a wider area .

  4. 在教育子女方面,她有非常新式的观点。

    She has very modern ideas about educating her children .

  5. 正在寻找制作新式甜食的灵感吗?试试这份食谱吧。

    Looking for inspiration for a new dessert ? Try this recipe .

  6. 该报告概述了这种新式武器的可能用途。

    The report outlined possible uses for the new weapon .

  7. 萨拉说我只在来客人时换换尿布。在公共场所做个新式丈夫容易,在私下却不是件容易的事。

    Sarah says I only change nappies when we have visitors . It is easy to be a new man in public ; in private it 's hard work .

  8. 这架新式飞机以两倍于音速的速度飞行。

    The new airplane flies at twice the speed of sound .

  9. 这家商店出售最新式的帽子。

    This store sells the latest styles in hats .

  10. 新式农具既轻巧,又出活。

    The improved farm tools are efficient as well as easy to handle .

  11. 那辆车子很漂亮,是最新式的。

    The car is a beauty and quite up to date .

  12. 这是伦敦流行的新式房屋。

    This is the houses of the new mould in london .

  13. 这些新式农具使唤起来很方便。

    These new-style farm implements are easy to use ( or handle ) .

  14. 这帽子是最新式的。

    This hat is in the latest style .

  15. 商店橱窗里展出的新式帽子吸引了她的注意力。

    Her attention was engaged by the display of new hats in the shop window .

  16. 它最根本就是为美国进行经济侵略,进行政治颠覆的新式工具。

    Essentially , it is a new tool of the United States for purpose of economic aggression and political overthrow .

  17. 我们必须尽量让母亲赶上潮流,让她见见新式样,并说服她不要再穿这种老掉牙的衣服。

    We must try to bring mother more up to date with modern styles , and persuade her not to wear such old-fashioned clothes .

  18. 这种新式发型从各个方面都对传统男士发型构成挑战。当你将头发从前额全部向后梳,并在略低于头顶的地方把它们盘成一个小小的发髻,男式发髻就梳好啦,如果愿意的话,还可以留些碎发不绑。

    This new hairstyle is challenging stereotypes everywhere , the Man Bun is when hair is pulled back from the forehead and tied into a little bun just below the crown of the head , and there can be some hair left out if that is what you desire .

  19. 新式CT型索结构的研究

    Research on CT cable structure

  20. 新式SOEPCR高效组装人单链抗体在高容量人天然噬菌体抗体库中的应用

    Application of an improved efficient SOE PCR in assembling scFv genes during construction of large human antibody library

  21. 新式类slots属性的具体用途并不十分明了。

    Exactly what the new-style class_slots_attribute is supposed to be used for is nowhere made clear .

  22. 比较两种方法在新式剖宫产中的麻醉效果,副作用,对血流动力学的影响及新生儿Apgar评分。

    Their block effects , newborn Apgar scores and hemodynamic changes are compared .

  23. 有些人在HTML电子邮件时代还继续保持这个好的传统,不遗余力地为每份文档准备两种版本:为旧式电子邮件客户机提供纯文本,以及为新式客户机提供HTML版本。

    Some continue this fine tradition with HTML e-mails , painfully preparing two versions of each document : plain text for older e-mail clients and HTML for newer ones .

  24. 新式剖宫产术后实施PCIA镇痛产妇的护理

    Nursing care of puerperas accepted PCIA analgesia after underwent new way of cesarean section

  25. 作为Facebook上使用最广的应用程序之一,We'reRelated属于伴随社交网络兴起的新式互联网服务中最热门的一种。

    As one of the most widely used applications on Facebook , We 're Related , is at the forefront of a new class of internet services that ride on the back of the popularity of social networks .

  26. 由Deem和客坐教授Jeong-ManPark研发的新式数学模式试图查明HGT是如何改变进化整个动力学的。

    The new mathematical model developed by Deem and visiting professor Jeong-Man Park attempts to find out how HGT changes the overall dynamics of evolution .

  27. 不仅是对新式冰刀(Clap式冰刀)弯道蹬冰技术的补充,也为训练方法选用的科学性奠定基础。

    It is not only the addition of the pedal ice technologies in new style blade ( Clap ), but also is the base on choosing training method scientifically .

  28. 评价采选作业辅助材料利用的DEA方法最新式四面射流喷射泵以及独特新颖的连接装置而设计的。洗选厂安装容易,便于搬迁,既节省了矿砂的运输费用,又降低了采选作业成本。

    DEA Method for Evaluating the Utilization of the Auxiliary Materials in Mining and Beneficiation Production By the use of it , both the haulage cost of sand and operation cost of mining and processing are reduced .

  29. 但读者和广告客户从老式媒体向新式媒体的转移,却是一个零和游戏:当报纸和传统广播电台走下坡路时,博客(blogs)和播客(podcasts)获得了增长。

    But the move of readers and advertisers from old media to new is a zero sum game : as newspapers and traditional radio stations decline , blogs and podcasts gain .

  30. 所以,该设计理论对于新式3K型行星减速器的设计工作具有重要的指导意义。

    In a word , this theory is an importance guide to the researching work of designing a New-3K planet speed - reducer .