
zhònɡ diǎn
  • severe punishment;heavy sentence;severe provisions;important ancient books and records
重典 [zhòng diǎn]
  • (1) [cruel torture; severe punishment]∶严厉的刑律

  • 治乱国用重典

  • (2) [important classics]∶重要的典籍

  1. 论正确处理“重典治乱”中的十大关系

    On the proper handling of the ten relationships in " control by severe punishment "

  2. 其立法思想旨在以较为丰厚的廪禄且辅以重典的双重作用下,减少乃至杜绝宋朝吏员在执行公务过程中贪赃行为的发生。

    The legislative intention was to reduce , even eradicate the officials ′ corruption by means of a dual deal-fat salary and severe punishment .

  3. 除了立法工作之外,朱元璋在司法方面也贯彻了他的重典思想。

    In addition to legislative work , the emperor in the administration of justice also carry out the cruel penalties imposed his ideas .

  4. 朱元璋的重典思想不仅具有传统重刑主义的特点,也有着其自身的特色。

    The cruel penalties imposed thought the emperor not only has the characteristics of the traditional heavy doctrine also has its own characteristics .

  5. 明代实行重典治吏,对官员的职务犯罪监控得十分严密,应该说是封建刑法中值得借鉴的地方。

    The heavy punishment of the officials who made crimes and the close watch of the occupation crimes are good reference in feudal criminal law .

  6. 普京上台后,以乱世用重典的方式悄然实现了政治可控制、经济发展、社会稳定的转变。

    Putin came to power , to " heavy penalties in times of trouble " approach quietly achieved political control , economic development , social stability changes .

  7. 研究明初重典治吏的历史,使我们清醒地认识到,仅仅依靠重刑无法根除腐败。

    After the study of the history of severe administration of officials , We have a clear understanding that we can not eliminate corruption with severe penalties alone .

  8. 但是由于独特的政治、经济和文化等方面的现实原因,非洲国家在刑事政策上并没有对西方采取亦步亦趋的态度,而是一反西方现代刑事思潮的主流,更多地主张重典治世。

    Now the criminal policy is appearing the trend to adopt cruel torture which is not popular in west countries , for the reasons of the special political , economic and cultural factors .

  9. 刺激经济,于今日发热和危险情势中仍为明智之举,相比政府用重典,更自由灵活的市场仍然会对世界经济更加有益。

    Provocative as it may sound in today 's febrile and dangerous climate , freer and more flexible markets will still do more for the world economy than the heavy hand of government .

  10. 朱元璋的重典思想虽然具有传统重刑主义的影响,但是将其与先秦法家的重刑思想比较之下,可以看到二者的内涵并不一致。

    Although the emperor thought the heavy penalties imposed heavy influences from traditional , but their thinking with a heavy Legalists comparison , you can see the content is not consistent between the two .

  11. 古代的行政问责有以下特点:建立了完善而严密的监察机构,注重预防和重典治吏。

    The system of administrative accountability in ancient China had these following traits : it had established thorough and rigorous supervision organs ; it pays special attentions to the prevention and severe penalization of the corruption of the officials .

  12. 他一方面采取重典治国对人民进行控制,以维护刚建立的新政权。另一方面又实行了比历代详尽的赎罪政策。

    On one hand , he controlled his people with severe law so as to defend the new-established political power , on the other hand , he practiced atonement policy that " more elaborate than all the former Dynasties " .

  13. 乱世用重典,法家应时而生,法家思想的实用性和有效性,一方面适应了战国时代战争频仍的社会现实,另一方面也迎合了统治者加强君主集权的目的。

    The practicality and effectiveness of the Legalism , on one hand , adapt the social reality of frequent wars in Warring States era and on the other hand , to cater the purposes of monarch centralization and strengthening domination of rulers .