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  • 网络Bamboo Slips of the Western Han Dynasty from Fuyang
  1. 本文举出敦煌汉简占书,性质与阜阳汉简《周易》相近,亦在卦名之后接抄卜辞。

    This paper introduces the Han bamboo slips manuscript divinatory book discovered at Dunhuang in which there are also similar divinatory records affiliated to the hexagram and line statements .

  2. 本论文主要对1977年出土的阜阳汉简中已公布的部分材料进行系统的文字整理研究。

    This paper mainly makes study for some of the materials of Fuyang Bamboo Slips , which were written on bamboo slips excavated from ancient tombs of Han Dynasty in Fuyang in1977 .