
  • 网络funan;Funan county
  1. 阜南县4种主要农作物生产成本收益分析

    Study on the Productive Cost and Benefit of Four Crops in Funan County

  2. 阜南县农村配电网抵御自然灾害能力研究

    The Research of the Countryside Distribution Network Resistance Natural Disaster Ability by Funan County

  3. 安徽省阜南县中学生HIV/AIDS知识、态度及行为调查

    Survey on knowledge , attitudes and behaviors towards hiv / aids among middle school students in Funan County Anhui Province

  4. 10月24日,安徽阜南县阜南二小六年级的两名女生,12岁的小梦和11岁的周周,在黑板上写下遗言。

    On Oct.24 , Xiao Meng , 12 , and Zhou Zhou , 11 , wrote on the blackboard of their six-grade classroom at Funan Second Elementary School in Funan County , Anhui Province .

  5. 分析阜南县4种主要农作物生产成本构成及效益,得出:肥料、机械投入是小麦和油菜生产成本构成的最主要因素,而玉米和大豆生产成本构成的主要因素则是肥料和种籽种苗费;

    In this paper , the productive cost and benefit of four crops in Funan county were analyzed , the results showed that input of fertilizer and machine was important costs in wheat and rape produce , and the cost for maize and soybean prodution was fertilizer and seed cost ;