
  • 网络Fukang;Fukang City
  1. 阜康市生态旅游规划研究

    The Study of Ecological Tour Programming of Fukang City

  2. 基于RS/GIS的阜康市土地利用类型分形研究

    Fractal Research on Land Use Types of Fukang City Based on RS / GIS

  3. 地域特色在城市总体规划中的体现&以新疆阜康市为例

    On the Embodiment of Regional Characteristics in Urban Master Planning

  4. 阜康市生态旅游发展方略

    Study on Development of Eco-tourism in Fukang City

  5. 阜康市生态敏感性评价研究

    Appraisal of eco-sensitivity on Fukang City

  6. 空间尺度基础性问题研究新疆阜康市景观多样性模拟对空间尺度的响应

    Considering effect of spatial scale on landscape diversity simulation : the case of Fukang city in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

  7. 阜康市土地利用/覆盖变化过程及其社会经济驱动力分析

    A Case Study of the Land Use / cover Change Process and Socio-economic Analysis of the Driving Forces in the City of Fukang

  8. 本文使用此方法制作了阜康市部分地区的土壤图,取得了令人满意的结果。

    The paper use the method to make a soil map of part of Fu Kang district , and obtain a satisfactory result .

  9. 高精度磁测在圈定旅游开发区中的应用阜康市旅游业发展存在的问题:旅游开发区过于集中,仅在天池风景区;

    The Application of the High Resolution Magnetic in Selecting the Travelling Development Zone Issues : exploitation is too centralized , only in Tianchi beauty spot ;

  10. 基于能值理论的生态资本价值&以阜康市天山北坡中段森林区生态系统为例

    Study on the value of ecological capital based on the emery theory : A case study on the forest ecosystem in the middle part of the north slope of the Tianshan Mountain