
zhònɡ jīn
  • heavy metal;a huge sum of money;huge wealth
重金 [zhòng jīn]
  • [huge wealth;high price] 大量金钱

  • 重金聘请专家

  1. 结果显示大鹏湾暨邻近河川底质环境最主要的潜在因子为「土壤质地影响因子」、「重金罗影飨因子」、「有机物质影响因子」及「营养监影响因子」。

    The result shows that the most important latent factors in Dapeng Bay are the soil texture causes factor , heavy metal influence factor , organic matter factor , and nutrient causes factor .

  2. 为追回特纳的一幅画,已发布了重金悬赏令。

    A substantial reward is being offered for the recovery of a painting by Turner

  3. 尽管当局悬赏重金缉拿他,他仍旧逍遥法外。

    He remains at large despite the high price put on his head by the authorities .

  4. 过去,踩踏草坪或旷课都会被重金处罚。

    In the old days , there were strict fines for walking on the grass or missing a study period

  5. 有个郑国人看到这只精美的匣子,非常喜欢,就用重金买了下来。但是,他却把匣子里的珍珠退还给了那个楚国人。

    A man of the State of Zheng saw this exquisite case and liked it very much . He bought it with a great deal of money , but he returned the pearl in the case to the man of Chu .

  6. 有些人会在他们非常在乎的几样东西上花费重金,比如苹果手机或单反相机,而其他无所谓的大部分东西则选择去沃尔玛这种低档平价市场上购买。

    Some people will spend lots of money on a few items they really care about , such as their iPhones or their SLR cameras , and then they will go downmarket to Wal-Mart to buy most of the other stuff1 they don 't care about .

  7. 中石化重金牵手F1值吗?

    Will Sinopec Corp be worth while to pay so much money to shake hands with F1 ?

  8. AI人才稀缺被认为是由许多互联网企业不惜重金争夺AI专业人才这一现实情况所致。

    The scarcity of talents is attributed to the fact that many internet enterprises scramble for AI professionals , offering high salaries .

  9. 各大通信公司出重金购买3G经营执照主要基于;3G的技术性能优势、自身的生存需要和巨额的赢利预期。

    The major reasons for large com-mon carriers to purchase 3G operating licenses are its advantage in technical performance , company survivability and huge profit anticipation .

  10. aol还计划花重金在内容管理系统上,即网站之后的出版技术。

    AOL also plans to spend heavily on content management systems , the publishing technology behind websites .

  11. 其中LD泵浦的全固体蓝绿激光器是国际上众多家机构花重金争相开展的科研项目。

    First of all , LD-pumped All-solid-state blue and green laser is now the scientific project which most national department have spent much money to study in .

  12. 我看到有一些公司,在大肆地做品牌战略、品牌工程,不惜重金去做公司的CI设计,可是,这些是我们追求的最根本的东西吗?

    Some companies , I find , played up brand strategy and brand project , put plenty of money on CI design , however , are they the essence we are pursuing ?

  13. 此外,俄罗斯已经提出从西伯利亚修建两条管道通往中国,因此Gazprom必须投入重金建设这两条管道。

    Gazprom would also have to invest heavily in two pipelines that Russia has proposed to build from Siberia to China .

  14. 想必大家最近都听说了这个重大新闻:沃尔沃汽车公司(Volvo)重金聘请了名声大噪的华裔NBA球星林书豪,替自己在中国的高端汽车市场上代言。

    It became huge news recently when Volvo cars signed an endorsement deal with Knicks basketball sensation Jeremy Lin to cash in on the booming market for upscale cars in China .

  15. 世界最大债券基金经理比尔•格罗斯(BillGross)已调转方向,重金押注于按揭债务,将其所持的按揭债务增至目前水平的近3倍,占基金总值的60%以上。

    Bill Gross , the manager of the world 's biggest bond fund , has switched gears to make a big bet on mortgage debt , almost tripling his holding of it to more than 60 per cent of the fund .

  16. 德国人投入重金,买的不是电,而是价格的下降。旧金山一家能源智库的负责人哈尔·哈维(HalHarvey)说。

    The Germans were not really buying power & they were buying price decline , said Hal Harvey , who heads an energy think tank in San Francisco .

  17. 贾跃亭的帝国始于一个Netflix式的流媒体视频直播平台,但他在过去两年里斥重金向五花八门的业务线扩张。

    Mr Jia 's empire began as a Netflix-style streaming video platform , but he has spent lavishly over the past two years to expand into far-flung business lines .

  18. AlHerford是他的经纪人,为人卑劣无耻,他在两场比赛赛前重金押赌Gans会输,然后命令Gans必须输掉比赛。

    His sleazy manager , Al Herford , bet heavily against Gans in two fights and then ordered him to lose .

  19. 积极扩展渠道、加强客户联系、掌握客户需求动态、及时提供优质、个性化的客户服务,成为当今企业立于不败之地的关键因素,企业开始不惜重金投入CRM系统建设。

    Extending channel actively , reinforcing customer contact , understanding customer 's demand and offering high quality and personality service immediately become the key factors that make enterprises success , and enterprises begin to invest large number of money on the CRM system construction .

  20. 真正投入重金的是俄罗斯寡头米哈伊尔•普罗霍罗夫(MikhailProkhorov),他掏出2亿美元注资篮网队,新球场也有他45%的股份。

    The real money comes from Russian oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov , who paid $ 200m for the Nets and has a 45 per cent stake in the new arena .

  21. 布拉德皮特周六在参加西恩·潘的JPHRO联欢晚会上,承诺掷重金12万美元(折合8万8千400英镑)和女演员一起就坐来观看HBO的这档节目。

    And so much so that Brad Pitt pledged $ 120000 ( 88400 ) to watch the HBO show alongside the actress when he attended the Sean Penn 's JP HRO Gala in Los Angeles on Saturday .

  22. 不知大家是否还记得Webvan,这是一家前埃森哲公司(Accenture)高管创办的企业,这家公司砸了10亿美元重金,试图提供日常生活用品送货上门服务。

    Remember Webvan , the startup run by a former Accenture executive that ran through $ 1 billion in an effort to build a business delivering groceries to homes ?

  23. 常驻新加坡的冯•德尼肯前不久接受《华尔街日报》记者JasonChow专访,谈亚洲市场的挑战,谈他为什么看好日本,为什么不惜重金聘请资深银行家。

    Mr. von Daeniken , based in Singapore , recently spoke with The Wall Street Journal 's Jason Chow about the challenges of the Asian market , why he 's bullish on Japan , and why he 's willing to shell out when hiring senior bankers .

  24. 网飞上第一次上线《老友记》就引发了新一批新老粉丝的无限热情,零售商们从ASOS到Zara掷重金抓住这一商机。

    From ASOS to Zara , retailers are cashing in on a new generation of enthusiasts discovering Friends for the first time on Netflix , as well as the fond nostalgia of the original fan base .

  25. 优步正寻求筹集10亿美元,Lyft的目标是5亿美元,两家公司不但在争取扩大市场份额,还在砸重金进行昂贵的法律和政治活动,以支持它们的商业模式。

    Uber is seeking to raise $ 1bn and Lyft is aiming for $ 500m as the companies fight to build market share and finance expensive legal and political campaigns to back their business models .

  26. 赞美虽然不值钱,多人重金收买之。

    Compliments cost nothing , yet many pay dear for them .

  27. 苏格兰威士忌酒厂花费重金扩大客户群体。

    Scotch distillers have invested heavily to expand their consumer base .

  28. 挥霍了重金,却仍不能安生?

    So great a sum of sums yet canst not live ?

  29. 法庭有权罚以重金。

    The court has the right to impose heavy fines .

  30. 根据传统经济学的经验,垄断者应不惜重金搞科研。

    Conventional economic wisdom holds that monopolies should spend heavily on research .