
yě cǎo
  • weeds;weed
野草 [yě cǎo]
  • [weed] 地面生长的掺进植物,耕作中通常伤害作物或损害地方的外貌、经济方面无用的植物

野草[yě cǎo]
  1. 我们匆匆往前走,来到一个野草丛生的院子。

    We hurried on until we reached a courtyard overgrown with weeds

  2. 当野草,长着轮子,绽放,修长、动人、盈盈;

    When weeds , in wheels , shoot long and lovely and lush ;

  3. 野草散发出芳香。

    A sweet fragrance rose from the wild grasses .

  4. 虽然它只是一种野草,但我们还是可以从中了解到植物生活的许多细节。

    for though it is only a weed , we can learn from it many things about the life of plants .

  5. n.杂草,野草v.除草花丛中长出许多野草。

    weed Many weeds are growing among the flowers .

  6. RSS野草萌发的真正原因在于它的时间迁移功能。

    The real reason that the RSS hydra is sprouting is because of time shifting .

  7. Wally的种植园是在金沙萨一条主干道的沿线,那里曾是一大片荒地,野草丛生。

    Wally gardens along one of Kinshasa 's main arteries , in what used to be a vast , abandoned swath of weeds .

  8. 去年该公司购买了比利时育种公司NV公司,这大大加强了该公司在具有高产、抗旱、防菌及防治野草功能的作物方面的研究。

    It bought Belgium 's Crop-Design NV last year to bolster research into crops that can offer higher yields or resistance to drought , fungi or weeds .

  9. BuzzFeed是美国知名的新闻聚合网站,最为人所知的是它各种被广为分享的榜单和原生广告实验。它的视频业务部办公室位于洛杉矶,虽然只成立了两年时间,但却像野草一样在悄悄地疯狂生长。

    BuzzFeed is known for its highly shareable lists and native advertising experiments , but the company 's two-year-old , Los Angeles-based video operation has been quietly growing like a weed .

  10. 由于野草在殖民化过程中体现出较强的鲁棒性、自适应性和随机性,因此IWO算法的执行框架尽量模仿野草的殖民化进程。

    IWO is inspired from the invasive and colonizing characteristics of weeds , which tries to imitate the robustness , adaptation and randomness embodied by weeds during the colonizing process .

  11. 感受生命的崇高&谈谈《野草》的悲剧精神

    Experience of the Sublime of Life-on the Tragic Spirit of Weeds

  12. 长高的野草在寒风中象鳗鲡似的蠕蠕游动。

    The tall grasses undulated like eels under the north wind .

  13. 他们在曾是野草丛生的地方开辟了果园。

    They carved out an orchard where there were wild grass .

  14. 《野草在歌唱》的马克思主义和荣格无意识解读

    The Marxism and Jungian Unconscious Interpretation of the Grass is Singing

  15. 试论鲁迅《野草》的朦胧美

    Analysis Over The Hazy Beauty Of Weeds Written By Lu Xun

  16. 没人照料的花园很快长满了野草;没人照料的孩子。

    Untended garden was soon overgrown with weeds ; untended children .

  17. 论《野草·题辞》的张力结构与文化意义

    On the Tension Structure and Culture Significance of Dedication in Weed

  18. 《野草》诗学形式的不断再现,具有一种本体性的意义。

    The Weeds ' poetic form constantly reproducing is essentially meaningful .

  19. 梦幻悲凉的诗意表达&《野草》的意境美

    Dreamlike , Desolate and Poetic Expression & Conceptive Beauty of Weeds

  20. 鲁迅《野草》的现代主义因素探析

    On Lu Xun 's Wild Grass from the Perspective of Modernism

  21. 论《野草》的现代性特征

    An Interpretation of the Characteristics of Modernity in LuXun 's Weeds

  22. 《野草》的陌生化诗学特征

    Tendency to poetics : unfamiliar characteristics in " Wild Grass "

  23. 城里人往往分不清麦苗和野草。

    City people often can 't distinguish young wheat from weeds .

  24. 她发现树篱被糟蹋,花坛里野草丛生。

    She came across butchered hedges and flowerbeds choked with weeds .

  25. 便加给你的鲜花以野草的恶臭:

    To thy fair flower add the rank smell of weeds :

  26. 斯特赖加是一种寄生野草,非洲人通常称其为独角金。

    Striga is a parasitic plant that Africans commonly call witchweed .

  27. 我外出期间,蔬菜园里野草丛生。因杂草丛生而荒芜的花园。

    The vegetable garden has run wild while I 've been away .

  28. 估计我是对这些野草过敏。

    I might be allergic to some of those weeds .

  29. 但是在这高地上只有野草和半边莲。

    But at these altitudes , there 's only grass and lobelias .

  30. 《野草》的文体选择与抒情策略

    The Choice of Style and the Lyric Strategies in Weeds