
fēng rè
  • wind-heat
风热[fēng rè]
  1. 扫癣灵治疗寻常型银屑病(风热型)的临床观察及对血清IL-6的影响

    The Clinical Observation of Sao Xuan Ling on Treating Psoriasis Vulgaris ( Wind-Heat Type ) and the Impact of Sao Xuan Ling on Serum IL-6

  2. 年龄、外感风寒咳嗽、外感风热咳嗽初起均对小儿指纹长度影响不大,无统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Age , exogenous treatment of cough , cough exogenous wind-heat all of the children since the beginning of the fingerprint length has little effect , no significant ( P0.05 ) 3 .

  3. 花粉病初期常被误认为是风热感冒。

    When hay fever first occurs it is often mistaken for a summer cold .

  4. 针刺配合三棱针放血治疗风热型Bell麻痹急性期50例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on the Effect of Acupuncture plus Blood-letting with Three-edged Needle on 50 Patients with Bell 's Palsy in the Acute Stage

  5. 排风热回收系统在工程中的应用

    The Application of Exhaust Air Heat Recover System in Practical Engineer

  6. 空调系统排风热回收的节能性分析

    The energy saving analysis of HVAC system with air-to-air energy recovery

  7. 空调系统排风热(冷)量回收经济性分析

    Economical Analysis on Heat Reclaiming of Exhaust Air of Air Conditioning System

  8. 银翘片治疗感冒(风热证)临床疗效及安全性评价

    Clinical effect and safety of Yinqiao Tablet on wind-heat type common cold

  9. 针刺运动疗法治疗风热型急性单纯性喉炎观察

    Clinical observation on acupuncture kinetotherapy for acute simple laryngitis of wind-heat type

  10. 第五,排风热回收的节能特性。

    The saving features of the exhaust heat recovery power .

  11. 黄连上清软胶囊治疗上焦风热证(牙周炎)的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of Huanglian Shangqing Capsule in Treating Periodontal Disease

  12. 结论热毒宁注射液是治疗外感风热证的安全有效的药物。

    Conclusion Reduning injection is effective and safe in treatment of Wind-Heat-Evil Syndrome .

  13. 冬季急性上呼吸道感染患者风热型组和风寒型组之间存在不同的上呼吸道菌群紊乱。

    Wind-heat type and wind-cold type have the different respiratory tract flora disorders .

  14. 目的观察三清饮治疗感冒风热证的临床疗效。

    Objective To observe the curative effect of Sanqing Decoction on wind-heat cold .

  15. 清肺消痤饮加减联合阿达帕林治疗肺经风热型痤疮的疗效分析

    Combination Treatment of Wind-heat Type Acne with Qing Fei Xiao Cuo Decoction and Adapalene

  16. 结论清金止咳汤治疗小儿外感风热咳嗽具有良好效果。

    Conclusion Qingjinzhike-soup has better therapeutic efficacy on coughing due to wind-heat in children .

  17. 双喷水室用于空调排风热回收可行性研究

    The Feasible Research on the Double-Spray Chamber 's Heat Recovery from the Exhaust Air

  18. 枇杷清肺颗粒剂治疗肺经风热型粉刺的临床研究

    The Clinical Study on Pi-Pa-Qing-Fei-Granules in the Treatment to Acne with Wind-Heat in Lung Type

  19. 空调系统排风热回收换热器的试验研究

    Experimental study on the heat recovery exchanger of the exhaust air of air conditioning system

  20. 上海地区空调系统排风热回收节能效果探讨

    Discussion on the Energy Saving Effect of HVAC System with Air-to-air Heat Recovery in Shanghai

  21. 表明风热、湿困、脾胃失调是荨麻疹的主要病机。

    The main pathogenesis is wind-heat , dampness encumbering the body and spleen and stomach disorder .

  22. 加减消风散治疗荨麻疹风热证的临床研究

    The Clinical Research on the Treatment of Urticaria Wind-Heat Syndrome by Jia Jian Xiao Feng San

  23. 目的观察中药清肺饮治疗急性上呼吸道感染中医辨证外感风热感冒的疗效。

    OBJECTIVE To investigate the effect of the Qingfei decoction in the acute upper respiratory tract infections .

  24. 目的观察清肺消痤饮加减煎服联合阿达帕林凝胶外涂治疗肺经风热型痤疮的疗效。

    Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of Xiaocuo decoction and ear acupoint bloodletting on acne vulgaris .

  25. 目的:观察针刺放血治疗外感风热型高热的疗效。

    Objective : To observe therapeutic effect of blood-letting at acupoint on high fever of wind-heat type .

  26. 清开灵为主治疗肝经风热型单疱病毒性角膜炎29例体会

    Experience on Qingkailing for the Treatment of 29 Cases of Herpes Simplex Keratitis with Liver-wind and Fire Syndrome

  27. 疏风解表,清热解毒。用于外感风热,发热,头痛,咳嗽音哑,咽喉肿痛。

    For fever , headache , cough , hoarse voice , and swelling and pain in the throat .

  28. 芩玄解毒口服液治疗急性扁桃体炎(风热证)的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Therapy of Syndrome of Wind and Heat of Acute Tonsillitis with Qin Xuan Jie Du Liquid

  29. 这也是人们对小区风热环境工作普遍推崇而难以在实际中广泛推行的主要原因之一。

    This is the reason that the planning work of district atmospheric thermal environment has not been widely implemented .

  30. 湿疹的临床证型有:湿热型,风热型,湿阻型,血虚风燥型。准确的辨证是治疗本病的关键,治以祛风、清热、利湿为要点。

    Precise specification with removal of wind , heat , and damp is the key in curing the disease .