
yě yā zi
  • see also 野鸭
  1. 我听说那里有很多野鸭子,我带点吃剩的面包去喂它们。

    I 've heard that there are lots of ducks there .

  2. 一个野鸭子是黑色的,两只野鸭子是灰色的。

    One duck is black and two ducks are gray .

  3. 韩佳,你看那些野鸭子那么悠然自得!

    Han Jia , look what a leisurely time those wild ducks are having !

  4. 有三只野鸭子在水里。

    There are three ducks in the water .

  5. 嘿,瞧!那边的芦苇中有几只野鸭子。

    Hey , look ! There are some wild ducks over there in the reeds .

  6. 一对野鸭子飞了过来。

    A pair of ducks flew in .

  7. 除非你认为躲在林子里的野鸭子跟锅里煮熟的鸭子一样值钱。

    Only if you believe a bird in the Bush is worth as much as a bird in the hand .

  8. 第二天他迁进湖边一棵已经去掉树梢的杨柳树里,吓着了野鸭子和水鼠。

    Next day he moved into a pollard willow near the lake , frightening the wild ducks and the water rats .

  9. 黑额黑雁认识这个地方。紧贴着切萨皮克湾的浪尖飞入海港的白天鹅和野鸭子们也知道这里。

    The Canada geese know this place , as do the white swans and the ducks who ride an inch above the waves of Chesapeake Bay as the skim their way into harbor .

  10. 大约在早秋,几个妇女发现了一群正飞过永定河旁一个小水湾的野鸭子,于是她们用边缘系着卵石的网子扔向鸭群。这个原始部落的男子们几乎每天都可猎获一头公牛。

    In an early autumn , some women found a flock of wild ducks gliding across the small inlet near Yongding River , and then they flung the net with savage tribe could hunt a bull almost every day .