
  1. 一种有效的量化交易数据相似性搜索方法

    An Efficient Method for Similarity Search on Quantitative Transaction Data

  2. 量化交易是使用计算机技术运用算法模型对影响证券交易的因素进行分析并依据结果进行交易。

    Quantitative trading is the use of computer technology and algorithm model to analyze the factors which influence securities transactions based and conducting transactions basing on the results of the analyses .

  3. 并衍生出量化交易、自动化交易、高频交易、算法交易等细分领域和概念,成功的改变着金融市场的微观和宏观结构。

    And the derived quantitative trading , automated trading , high frequency trading , algorithmic trading and other segments and concepts , the success of the change in the financial markets , the micro and macro structure .

  4. 另外,量化交易的方法有很多种,运用的知识也是包罗万象,本文主要关注基于技术分析的程式交易策略在期货商品上的开发、测试及应用。

    There arc many kinds of quantitative trading methods , the use of knowledge is also comprehensive . This paper main-ly focus on development , testing and application of program trading strategies , which are based on the technical analysis .

  5. 最后,以网上银行信息系统为例进行了数值计算,量化了网上交易任务的风险指标。

    Finally , the risk assessment methodology is applied in the case of the internet-banking system to compute the risk values for online transactions of the system .

  6. 拍卖是一种非常适合绝对价值难以量化的商品的交易方式,拍卖在近现代中国画的交易中起着决定性的作用。

    Auction is a quite suitable trading way of the goods that has no easily measured value , so it plays a decisive role in the trading of modern Chinese traditional paintings .