
  • 网络Quantum tunnelling effect;quantum tunnelling;quantum tunneling;quantum tunneling effect
  1. 除非,塞尔维格已经想出稳定量子隧穿效应的方法

    Unless Selvig has figured out how to stabilise the quantum tunnelling effect .

  2. 现在一大批工程师和学者都在思考怎样才能利用晶体管里的量子隧穿效应,而不深受其扰。

    A number of groups of academics and engineers , for example , are pondering how to make transistors in which quantum tunnelling is a feature rather than a bug .

  3. 第四章研究了黑洞的量子隧穿效应&将Hawking辐射看成穿过视界的隧穿过程,进行了直接的推导,得到了隧穿效率表达式。

    We study the quantum tunneling effect of the black hole , namely regarding Hawking radiation as a tunneling pro-cess across the horizon through a short and direct derivation then ob-tain the expression of the tunneling rate .

  4. 研究了一束冷原子入射到一个蓝失谐的激光束上所表现出的量子力学隧穿效应。

    In this paper , we study the quantum tunneling effect of a cold atomic beam propagating through a laser beam which is blue detuned .

  5. 文章介绍了最近在Fe(001)/MgO/Fe/MgO/Fe双势垒磁性隧道结中存在的量子阱共振隧穿效应的理论研究工作。

    We discuss recent theoretical research on QW resonances in Fe ( 001 ) / MgO / Fe / MgO / Fe double barrier magnetic tunnel junctions .

  6. 分子磁体中的量子隧穿及宏观量子效应

    Quantum tunneling and macroscopic quantum effects in molecular magnets

  7. 文章介绍了分子磁体中的量子隧穿和宏观量子效应理论和实验研究的新进展.分子磁体既有宏观磁体特性也呈现纯量子行为,例如磁化矢量的量子隧穿。

    A review is presented of recent developments in the experimental and theoretical studies of quantum tunneling and macroscopic quantum effects in molecular magnets which exhibit both macroscopic and quantum behavior , for instance , quantum tunneling of the magnetization vector .

  8. 随着维度的降低,低维半导体系统的量子受限效应、量子隧穿效应、库仑阻塞效应等表现的越来越明显。

    With the dimension reduction , the quantum confinement effect , quantum tunneling effect , Coulomb blockade effect etc. of low dimensional semiconductor systems become more and more obvious .

  9. 而且,如果认为量子隧穿过程为可逆过程,则量子隧穿效应中的结果与黑洞热力学第一、第二定律是一致的。

    Moreover , if we consider the tunneling process as a reversible process , the result in Hawking radiation via tunneling is consistent with the first and second law of black hole thermodynamics .

  10. 本文首先回顾了量子输运的一些效应,如量子隧穿、库仑阻塞效应,介绍了自旋偏压和纯自旋流的研究现状以及非平衡态格林函数方法。

    In this dissertation , we firstly reviews some of the effects of quantum transport , such as Quantum tunneling and Coulomb blockade effect , and introduces the spin bias voltage , pure spin current and none-equilibrium Green function approach .

  11. 由于量子点内部的载流子运动三维受限,使得其具有很多独特的特性,如量子尺寸效应、量子隧穿效应、量子干涉效应、库仑阻塞和良好的非线性光学效应等。

    Because there is three-dimensional confinement of carriers in the quantum dots ( QDs ), the QDs have many unique characteristics such as quantum size effect , quantum tunneling effect and its good nonlinear optical effect .