
  • 网络Cam Ranh;CAM RANH BAY
  1. 俄罗斯虽已撤出了金兰湾军事基地,但在南中国海仍然有着巨大的经济利益。

    Russia has withdrawn from Cam Ranh Bay , but still has a lot of economic interests in the area of the SCS .

  2. 目前甚至有迹象表明,越南方面愿意考虑让美国海军使用他们在战争年代用过的金兰湾(CamRanhBay)基地。

    There are even indications that the Vietnamese are willing to consider the use by the US navy of their former wartime base at Cam Ranh Bay .

  3. 与许多有爱国情结的越南人一样,退伍老兵阮杜德表示,他可不想在金兰湾看到任何外国士兵。

    Echoing the patriotism of many Vietnamese , Mr De says he does not want to see any foreign forces in the bay .

  4. 明后年这批潜艇交付后,预计将停靠在金兰湾。分析师表示,根据价值20亿美元的军售合约,俄罗斯同意整修金兰湾基地。

    Once delivered in the next year or two , the submarines are expected to be based at Cam Ranh Bay , which analysts say Russia has agreed to refurbish as part of the $ 2bn contract to supply the craft .

  5. 然而,全球安全格局的变幻意味着,在命运的安排下,美俄舰船可能在不久之后重返金兰湾,这一次他们将彼此联手,并与越南合作,以抗衡越来越强大的中国。

    But changing dynamics of global security mean that , in a twist of fate , American and Russian ships may soon be back at Cam Ranh Bay , this time working alongside each other and the Vietnamese to counterbalance an ever stronger China .