
  • Kim Il-sung
  1. 他自称受到柬埔寨人民爱戴,但负责保护他的却是他的朋友、金日成(kimil-sung)在生前为他提供的朝鲜保镖。

    He claimed to be loved by Cambodians , but was protected by North Korean bodyguards provided by his friend , the late Kim Il-sung .

  2. 但现在,他们怀疑这是一场宣传运动的一部分,其宗旨是到2012年成为一个强国。2012年是朝鲜创始人金日成(Kimil-sung)诞辰100周年。

    But now they suspect it is part of a propaganda campaign to become a mighty nation by 2012 , the centenary of the birth of Kim Il-sung , the nation 's founder .

  3. 上周平壤刚刚庆祝了一年一度的朝鲜太阳节。这个节日是为了庆祝朝鲜开国元勋金日成(KimIlSung)生日。

    Handling The Next North Korean Famine The annual North Korean flower festival , celebrating today 's birthday of founder Kim Il Sung , began this week in Pyongyang .

  4. 当年金正日在父亲金日成(Kimil-sung)于1994年去世之前,有14年时间为接班做准备。

    Kim Jong-il had 14 years to prepare to take over from his father , Kim Il-sung , who died in 1994 .

  5. 这种做法呼应了朝鲜建国领袖金日成(KimIlSung)采取的策略,后者曾设法利用中苏之间的分歧从两方都赢取了援助。

    This would echo the strategy pursued by North Korea 's founding leader Kim Il Sung , who sought to exploit the Sino-Soviet split to extract assistance from both sides .

  6. 金正日在他的父亲、朝鲜开国领导人金日成(Kimil-sung)1994年去世之前,有多得多的时间用来准备接班。

    Kim Jong-il had much more time to prepare before his father Kim Il-sung , North Korea 's founder , died in 1994 .

  7. 在上次党代会上,金正日接受了党内职务,成为其父亲金日成(Kimil-sung)的指定接班人。

    At the last congress , Kim Jong-il received the party titles that anointed him as heir apparent to his father , Kim Il-sung .

  8. 金正日(KimJong-il)和父亲、朝鲜创建者金日成(Kimil-sung)通过个人崇拜来统治这个国家,这种个人崇拜限制了人们获取信息的渠道。

    Kim Jong-il and his father , North Korea 's founder Kim Il-sung , have ruled the state through a personality cult that curtails access to information .

  9. 韩国分析人士猜测,金正日之所以选择第三个儿子作为继承人,是因为他壮硕的体格和堂堂的相貌有些像朝鲜国父金日成(Kimil-sung)。

    South Korean analysts speculate Kim Jong-il favoured his third son as successor as he shares some of the imposing physique and physiognomy of Kim Il-sung founder of the nation .

  10. 朴南基被处决后,他的职位由80多岁的老人YunGiJeong接替。YunGiJeong主要是作为朝鲜开国元首金日成的亲信而闻名。

    After Mr. Park was executed , he was replaced by an octogenarian , Yun Gi Jeong , known primarily as a confidante of North Korea 's founder , Kim Il Sung .

  11. 金正日的父亲金日成(Kimil-sung)于1994年逝世,而在金日成逝世的10多年前,金正日就已经被列为法定继承人。金正日据信在去年患了中风。

    Kim Jong-il , who it is thought suffered a stroke last year , was styled as heir apparent for more than a decade before his father , Kim Il-sung , died in 1994 .

  12. 目前,朝鲜建国者金日成、其妻金正淑(KimJongSook)(金正日生母)以及现任领袖金正日的生日是国家节日。

    The birthdays of North Korean founder Kim Il Sung and his mother , Kim Jong Sook , are national holidays in the insular country , as is the current leader 's birthday .

  13. 英文报道中还援引了三位朝鲜人的评论。其中一人是金日成综合大学(KimIlSungUniversity)的老师JongInHo。他说,我焦急地观看电视上朝鲜运动员的比赛。

    It cited quotations , translated into English , from three North Koreans , including one identified as a teacher at Kim Il Sung University named Jong In Ho who said , ' I saw with anxiety on TV the DPRK athletes ' matches .

  14. 平壤方面称,从朝鲜西北部发射的这枚火箭将会把一颗地球观测卫星送入轨道,这是为了庆祝4月15日朝鲜政权创立者金日成(Kimil-sung)诞辰100周年。

    The launch of the rocket , which Pyongyang said would put an earth observation satellite into orbit , from the north-west of the country marked the centenary of the birth of Kim Il-sung , founder of the nation , on April 15 .

  15. 曾经在莫斯科接受教育的金敬姬个性极强,甚至敢反抗自己的父亲&朝鲜政权创始人金日成(Kimil-sung),与当时还只是一个乐队领奏的大学生张成泽(ChangSung-taek)谈恋爱。

    Moscow-educated Mrs Kim has shown a strong personality , even defying Kim Il-sung , her father and the founder of the Pyongyang regime , to carry on a student romance with Chang Sung-taek , then only the leader of a music group .

  16. 我们5天的行程包括平壤、朝韩紧张的边境上的非军事区(DMZ)以及位于山区的朝鲜开国领导人金日成(KimIl-sung)的出生地万景台(Mangyongdae)。

    Our five-day trip took us to Pyongyang , to the demilitarised zone on the tense border with South Korea and to Mangyongdae , a mountainous region that is the birthplace of Kim Il Sung , the nation 's founder .

  17. 中国并不想跟反复无常的金日成闹僵;

    China does not want to antagonise the unpredictable Mr Kim ;

  18. 要杀金日成的计画就会曝光。

    The world will know of our plans to kill Kim ll-sung .

  19. 万寿台上,向金日成铜像鞠躬的人们。

    People bowing to Mansudae Grand Monument , Mansu Hill .

  20. 金正日是金日成的儿子。

    Gold fucking is the son of gold fucked .

  21. 你说如果我们去平壤,杀了金日成。

    You told us if we go to Pyongyang and kill Kim ll-sung .

  22. 万寿台,金日成铜像旁的人民解放纪念碑。

    Mansudae Grand Monument , Mansu Hill , people 's revolutionary struggle memorial .

  23. 金日成领导幸福的工人奔向美好的明天。

    Kim Il-sung leading battalions of happy workers to a shining new dawn .

  24. 要杀金日成或炸毁他的官邸。

    Of killing Kim or blowing up his palace .

  25. 就算我们现在已杀了金日成。

    Even if we killed Kim ll-sung now .

  26. 金日成的儿子金正日今日的亲爱的领袖继续推行个人崇拜。

    His son , today 's Dear Leader , has carried on that personality cult .

  27. 北朝鲜庆祝首位总统金日成诞辰101周年。

    And North Korea is celebrating the 101st birthday of its first President Kim Il Sung .

  28. 主体一词描述的是金日成创立的自力更生理念。

    The word ' juche ' describes a philosophy of self-reliance that the elder Mr. Kim espoused .

  29. 身材矮小的他从小生活在世人瞩目的金日成的阴影下,不可能是一件易事。

    Growing up physically small in the shadow of the prepossessing Kim Il-sung can hardly have been easy .

  30. 在金日成1994年去世之前的10多年里,金正日一直以太子形象出现。

    Kim Jong-il was styled heir apparent for more than a decade before Kim Il-sung died in 1994 .