
jīn hūn
  • golden wedding
金婚 [jīn hūn]
  • [golden wedding] 欧洲风俗指结婚五十周年

金婚[jīn hūn]
  1. 这对夫妇一月份举行了他们的金婚大庆。

    The couple celebrated their golden wedding in January .

  2. 这对夫妇一月份举行了他们的金婚大庆。

    The couple celebrated their golden wedding in january .

  3. 这看来很像是一次庆祝金婚的盛典。

    It sounded like the very thing for a fiftieth-anniversary celebration .

  4. 当然了。我最喜欢《金婚》了。

    John : Of course . I love Golden Marriage most .

  5. 再次感谢你为我们金婚纪念日送来的玫瑰花。

    Many thanks for the beautiful roses for our golden anniversary !

  6. 祝你们俩金婚/银婚快乐。

    Wishing you both a happy golden / silver anniversary .

  7. 庆祝他们金婚纪念的聚会。

    A party in celebration of their fiftieth wedding anniversary .

  8. 客人们都站起来,一齐为这对金婚夫妇喝彩。

    The guests rose to their feet , applauding the golden couple .

  9. 已婚夫妇什么时候庆祝他们的金婚?

    When do married couples celebrate their golden wedding ?

  10. 如皋市金婚夫妇代谢综合征患病特点及相关分析

    Characteristics and correlation analysis of metabolic syndrome among golden wedding couples in Rugao

  11. 一对夫妇在庆祝他们的金婚纪念。

    A couple was celebrating their golden wedding anniversary .

  12. 什么时候?等我金婚纪念时?

    When ? When ? On my golden anniversary ?

  13. 但每年都有金婚夫妇。

    But each year had its own golden couple .

  14. 他们在庆祝他们的五十年金婚纪念日。

    They are celebrating their golden wedding anniversary .

  15. 按照我们西方人的标准,它们已经过了七次金婚纪念日了。

    By our Western standards , they must have experienced seven gold wedding anniversaries .

  16. 金婚是50周年婚庆。

    A golden jubilee is a50th anniversary .

  17. 只有千分之一的夫妇能够活到金婚纪念的年龄。

    Only the one of every thousand married couples lives to keep their golden wedding .

  18. 丹妮拉:他们两个月后将举行金婚纪念。

    Daniela : They 'll be celebrating their golden wedding in two months ' time .

  19. 祝贺你们的金婚纪念日。

    B wish for your golden anniversary .

  20. 我们金婚蜜月之旅的最后一站来到了圣彼得堡,住进了一家舒适的酒店。

    We ended up in St. Petersburg , where we stayed at a cosy hotel .

  21. 结婚50周年为金婚。

    Fifty years is the golden anniversary .

  22. 上个星期日,我家隆重庆祝了我祖父母的金婚纪念日。

    Our family celebrated my grandparents ' golden wedding anniversary in a big way last Sunday .

  23. 上图中的戴维和布伦达米切尔夫妇于上周末庆祝他们的金婚纪念日。

    David and Brenda mitchell , pictured above , celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last weekend .

  24. 小时候喜欢一首名曲,是关于金婚的,向往自己也有金婚的那一天。

    Like a child performed on the Laughter , Laughter has had yearned for the day .

  25. 他们的婚姻有扎实的基础,下周是他们结婚50年金婚纪念。

    Their marriage is on solid ground ; they are approaching their golden wedding anniversary next week .

  26. 愿良缘初结谱写的欢乐篇章,给你们带来银婚直至金婚的幸福吉祥!

    May the merry beginning of your marriage bring happiness to your silver wedding and gold wedding !

  27. 为我祖父母举行的金婚纪念会因为没准备好推迟了两个小时。

    The golden wedding anniversary party for my grandparents was pat back two homes became it wasn 't well prepared .

  28. 《金婚》描述了文丽和佟志的婚姻爱情路,意义深远,颇受人们的欢迎。

    Golden Wedding has a description of the marriage of Tong Zhi and Wen Li , which is significant and welcome by many people .

  29. 在嘈杂声中,班尼斯特态度亲切地照看着一小群游客,其中包括一对来自英国、正在庆祝金婚的老夫妇。

    Through this chaos , Bannister genially shepherds a small group of tourists , including an elderly English couple celebrating their golden wedding anniversary .

  30. 2007年的热播剧《金婚》表现了佟志、文丽这对伉俪夫妻携手走过50年的人生历程。

    The hit series Golden Anniversary express Wen li and Tong zhi got through 50 years in their life as a common couple in 2007 .