
ān jū
  • settle down;live a peaceful life;have quiet days;long retreat (of three months in summer)for monks
安居 [ān jū]
  • [settle down] 安稳地生活;定居

  1. 诗意安居非简单占有一住处,而是指向精神层面的栖居与安宁,以生活的和谐与精神的自由为旨趣,它是构建和谐社会的意蕴所在。

    To settle down poetically is not merely to occupy a residence , but means residing in peace on the level of spirit . Its objective is the harmony of life and the freedom of spirit . It is the implication of constructing the harmonious society .

  2. 去年,互联网集团腾讯(Tencent)购入58同城20%股权,而58同城上月宣布,已通过大约2.67亿美元的现金加股票交易,收购总部位于上海的房地产租售信息平台安居客(AnjukeInc)。

    Last year , internet group Tencent bought a 20 per cent stake in 58.com , and the online marketplace announced last month it had acquired Shanghai-based property-listing platform Anjuke Inc for about $ 267m in cash and shares .

  3. 香港引领市场的搬家公司之一嘉柏安居(CrownRelocations)反映,今年搬进香港的客户数量同比下降了四分之一左右,而搬出香港的客户数量则上升约四分之一。

    One of the city 's leading moving companies , Crown Relocations , reports the number of people it 's moving into Hong Kong this year is down by about a quarter from a year ago , while the number it 's moving out is up by about a quarter .

  4. 他在那里安居下来,平平静静地度过他的余生。

    He settled down there to end his days in quiet .

  5. 资助市民置业安居。印第安人冲进了居民区。

    Financial Assistance for Home Ownership The Indians rushed the settles .

  6. 她回答说,我在我本乡安居无事。

    And she answered , I dwell among mine own people .

  7. 住者有其屋是最大的民生工程。人只有安居,才能乐业。

    Home ownership is the biggest livelihood of the people project .

  8. 一些安居工程也因为位置不当使得申请者望而却步。

    The unsuitable location of some projects keeps applicants at bay .

  9. 倡导安居、学戒、规范传戒以恢复僧团律制;

    He initiated to restore the regulation system of Chinese sangha .

  10. 我这次又没抽到安居住宅。

    I lost the public housing lottery again this time .

  11. 广东华侨农场安居工程的特点及启示

    Characteristics of the Housing Project of Guangdong Overseas Chinese Farm

  12. 安居水电厂灯泡贯流式水轮发电机组的试运行

    Test Operation of Bulb Tubular Turbine Generating Units at Anju Power Plant

  13. 高精度三维地震勘探技术在安居煤矿的应用

    Application of High Precision 3D Seismic Prospecting in Anju Mine

  14. 你该结婚并安居下来了。

    It is time you got married and settled down .

  15. 最衷心地祝贺你在新屋安居!

    Hearty greetings on your setting down in your newly built house .

  16. 安居是人类生存的最基本条件之一。

    Housing is one of the most basic conditions of human existence .

  17. 来安居于此,每人都有自己的家宅。

    To come and live here , each in his own house .

  18. 灾民一再感谢我们提供这些帐蓬,让他们得以暂时安居。

    The victims thank us repeatedly for these temporary shelters .

  19. 一个让你们安居的地方

    A place where you would be allowed to live in peace .

  20. 湖南省安居工程现状与发展对策研究

    Study on Present Condition and Development of Residential Project

  21. 你得邻舍既在你附近安居,你不可设计害他。

    Do not plan harm against your neighbor whom lives trustingly beside you .

  22. 他们正愉快地在农村安居下来,过他们的新生活。

    They 're settling down happily to their new life in the country .

  23. 房地产业的重要性不言而喻,首先它为人们的安居提供条件。

    The importance of real estate goes without saying .

  24. 加强对国家安居工程的组织和领导。

    One , the strengthening of the national housing project organization and leadership .

  25. 基列人安居在约旦河外。但人为何等在船上。

    Gilead abode beyond Jordan : and why did Dan remain in ships ?

  26. 诗37:27你当离恶行善、可永远安居。

    Depart from evil and do good , So you will abide forever .

  27. 实施国家安居工程,大力发展经济适用住房。

    The implementation of the national housing project , develop economic housing application .

  28. 现代竹结构抗震安居房的设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Modern Bamboo Anti-seismic Living Room

  29. 继续搞好房地产市场调控和保障性安居工程建设。

    We will continue to regulate the real estate market and develop low-income housing .

  30. 安居电站大型灯泡式水轮发电机设计中几个问题的探讨

    Studies on Some Design Problems of Large Bulb Hydrogenerator at Anju Water Power Station