
  • 网络metal manufacturing;metalworking;metal fabrication
  1. 根据另一种理论,由于金属制造技术的进步,短剑不必再为保持它的强度而刻意造得那么短了。

    Another theory is that as metalworking technologies advanced , the gladius no longer had to be short if it wanted to maintain its strength .

  2. 智利金属制造工业试验中心

    Metalworking Industries Testing Centre in Chile

  3. 轿车的大部分部件是金属制造的。

    Cars are mostly metal .

  4. 现在每一台的iPad机身都是由100%再生铝金属制造的。

    Every single iPad in the lineup now features a 100 % recycled aluminum enclosure .

  5. 两款iPad机型的机身均由100%再生铝金属制造。

    Both of these iPad models are built with a 100 % recycled aluminum enclosure .

  6. 哪个省是加拿大的最大金属制造省?

    Which province is the biggest producer of metals in canada ?

  7. 定向凝固多孔金属制造人工骨的前景展望

    Prospect of Making Artificial Bones with Uni directional Solidification Porous Metals

  8. 以前用金属制造的许多产品现在都用所料制造了。

    Many products formerly made of metal now are made of plastic .

  9. 这部机器的零件是用多种金属制造的。

    Various metals are used to make the parts of this machine .

  10. 长笛原来属于木管乐器,后来改用金属制造。

    Originally , flute is belong to woodwind , later made by metal .

  11. 一种由金属制造的中空设置,当敲击时能传出声音。

    A hollow device made of metal that makes a ringing sound when struck .

  12. 冶金业在工业金属制造的运用过程中需要专业的技术技能。

    Metallurgy applies engineering and technical skills to developing industrial metals and manufacturing processes .

  13. 这种模型是塑料的,金属制造的要贵一些。

    This is the plastic model , the steel one costs a little more .

  14. 一些学者认为,这个星盘是奥马尔王子与一位无名金属制造工匠共同制作的。

    Some scholars believe that this astrolabe was created by the prince in collaboration with an unnamed metalworker .

  15. GB/T3098.10-1993紧固件机械性能有色金属制造的螺栓、螺钉、螺柱和螺母

    " Mechanical properties of fasteners & Bolts , screws , studs and nuts made of non-ferrous metals "

  16. 朗·赫利认为,最安全的庇护所是顶部和侧面都是金属制造的汽车,或者是一栋结实的房子。

    Ron Holle says the best shelter is a car with metal top and sides or a typical house .

  17. 有色金属制造加工企业作为重要的资源类产业,是国民经济的基础产业。

    As the important resource industry , the metal manufacture enterprises are the basic sector of the national economy .

  18. 所以太空笔由金属制造,油墨的燃烧点也高于普通油墨。

    This space pen is made of metal , and the ink has a much higher ignition point than regular ink .

  19. 高速钢价格比较高但是由它制造的刀具比其他用平常金属制造的刀具更加耐热。

    High-speed steel costs more but tools made of it with stand heat much better than those made of ordinary tool steel .

  20. 切削加工是一种重要的金属制造工艺,其中切削成型是一种典型的大变形问题。

    Cutting is an important manufacturing process of metal . The chip formation in met cutting is one of the typical deformation problems .

  21. 本公司为台湾安峰金属制造企业的国内合资公司,技术力量雄厚。

    The Taiwanese and Anfeng metals that our company is a domestic makes the joint venture company , technique power of business enterprise strong .

  22. 金属制造业也是一大关键的投资领域,建筑和工业都需要投资来帮助中国飞速扩张经济。

    Metals are another key area of investment , as these are needed in construction and industry to help fuel China 's rapidly expanding economy .

  23. 目的了解金属制造业非致死性职业伤害流行特征,为有效控制职业伤害的发生提供科学依据。

    Objective To investigate the epidemiologic characteristic of the non-fatal occupational injuries in metal manufacturing industry , and provide scientific basis for its prevention and control .

  24. 由于具有较高的刚度和抗蠕变性能,它可以很好的适应用于传统上通常用金属制造的高荷载部件的设计。

    Offering high stiffness and creep resistance , it is perfectly adapted to the parts designed to support high loads that are traditionally made with metal .

  25. 用先进陶瓷材料代替金属制造发动机是目前国内外研究的新课题。

    A very popular subject of abroad for investigation at present is the application of advanced ceramic materials as substitute for metals in the manufacture of engines .

  26. 本实用新型面盖的面积大大变小,可节约金属制造材料,有效降低生产成本。

    The area of the face cover is greatly reduced , the metal manufacturing material can be reduced , and the production cost can be effectively reduced .

  27. 目前我国正加大各基础项目建设,对金属制造类产品需求日益增长,吸引了众多投资者进行投资,产能迅速扩大。

    China is strengthening to build infrastructures , the demand for metal product is growing increasingly , and attracting numerous investors , the production capacity is expanding rapidly .

  28. 随着经济全球化发展的不断深入,能源危机的日益加剧,有色金属制造加工企业的经营面临着越来越多不确定性因素的影响。

    With the continual development of economic globalization and the increasingly aggravation of energy crisis , the operating of the metal manufacture enterprises are facing more and more uncertain factors .

  29. 砂型里的型腔是采用型模(真实零件的近似复制品)构成的,型模一般为木制,有时也用金属制造。

    The cavity in the sand is formed by using a pattern ( an approximate duplicate of the real part ), which are typically made out of wood , sometimes metal .

  30. 弧焊快速成型工艺具有成本低、效率高、性能好等一系列优点,在金属制造领域拥有极其重要的应用价值和广阔的应用前景。

    Welding prototyping shows a wide application prospects in the metal manufacturing field , due to a series of characteristics , for example , low cost , high efficiency , good properties , and so on .