
hàn xī
  • soldering tin;tin solder
焊锡 [hàn xī]
  • (1) [tin solder]∶用于焊接铜、铁等的低熔点锡铅合金。亦称锡鑞

  • (2) [soldering tin]∶作焊料用的铅和锡的合金

焊锡[hàn xī]
  1. 点蚀发生在焊锡表面靠近焊缝的缺陷处。

    The pitting corrosion occured on the surface of soldering tin near the interface , where exists defects .

  2. 节约了导丝和焊锡,降低了生产成本,提高了劳动生产率。

    The utility model has the advantages of saving guide wire and soldering tin , reducing production cost , and improving labor productivity .

  3. 广泛应用于线材的热压焊、焊锡焊接的回流焊,IC贴片。

    HOT BARThe hot wire is widely used in welding , solder reflow soldering .

  4. PCB企业退焊锡废液治理再生研究

    Studies of the Regeneration Process of the Stripping Wastewater in PCB Enterprises

  5. 本文在无标样的情况下,用X射线荧光基本参数法测定了焊锡中的锡和铅的含量。

    We have determined tin and lead contents in tin solder using the XRF fundamental parameter method without standard sample in this paper .

  6. 本文利用ICP-AES法进行焊锡中Sn、Pb含量的测定。

    The determination of lead and tin in tin solder by ICP-AES method is given in this paper .

  7. 同时溶解和ICP-AES同时测定焊锡材料中的铅、锡和银

    Simultaneous Dissolution of Tin , Silver and Lead in Tin-Lead Solder Alloy and Their Determinations by ICP-AES

  8. Ce对SnAgCu系无铅焊锡力学性能的影响

    Effect of Cerium on Mechanical Properties of Free-lead Solder Alloy of Sn-Ag-Cu System

  9. 本文以ICP-AES法测定焊锡中铜、铁、铝、锌。

    The determination of copper , iron , aluminum and zinc in tin solder by ICP-AES method is reported in this paper .

  10. 超声雾化Sn-Pb焊锡粉的组织特征及其抗氧化性能

    Microstructure Characteristics and Oxidation Resistance of Sn-Pb Solder Powder Fabricated by Ultrasonic Atomization

  11. Sn-Ag-Cu系无铅焊锡的力学性能和实用性能

    Mechanical Properties and Practical Properties of Sn-Ag-Cu Lead-free Solder Alloys

  12. 自动光学检验设备(AOI)对无铅焊锡的检测

    Inspection for Leadless Tin Solder by AOI

  13. 本文通过便携式X射线荧光分析设备鉴定不含铅焊锡领域的分析能力,帮助制造商遵守不含铅的指令要求,体现分析的准确度、精确度。

    Having identified the ability of analysis on nonlead solder equipment with portable X-ray fluorescent analyzer , which is accurate and precise , the author of this essay helps the manufacturer conform to the nonlead requirements .

  14. Sn-Ag-Cu系无铅焊锡合金及其微粉制备技术研究

    Study on Production of Free-Lead Solder Alloy and Solder Alloy Fine Powder of Sn-Ag-Cu System

  15. 通过正交实验法对Sn-Ag-Cu系无铅焊锡合金的成分进行了优化研究。

    The optimal composition of lead-free solder of Sn-Ag-Cu system through orthogonal experiment method were studied .

  16. Sn-Zn,Sn-Ag-Cu和Sn-Bi-Cu无铅焊锡合金与铜的润湿性

    Wettability of Sn-Zn , Sn-Ag-Cu and Sn-Bi-Cu Lead-free Solder Alloys with Copper Substrate

  17. 根据拉瓦尔喷管原理设计出一种新型低压超音速雾化器,用63A焊锡和SnAg系无铅焊锡进行了雾化试验研究。

    A new type atomizer designed on the theory of Laval jet is tested in atomization experiment with 63A solder and Sn Ag lead free solder .

  18. 通过(235±2)℃、3s焊锡实验,沾锡面积比大于95%;

    The area stained with tin accounts for over 95 % of the total area of the deposit after soldering test at ( 235 ± 2 ) ℃ for 3 s ;

  19. 结果表明,在Sn-Ag-Cu系无铅焊锡中添加稀土Ce可以细化合金组织,使合金成分分布更加均匀;

    The results show that adding a suitable amount of Ce into Sn-Ag-Cu solders would make the structure of alloy fined , and the distribution of alloy structure become more homogeneous .

  20. 在微电子封装中,焊锡接点互连不仅用于芯片级的倒装芯片(FC)封装技术,而且广泛用于电路板级封装的球栅阵列(BGA)封装技术。

    In microelectronic packaging , solder joints are used not only for chip-level flipchip ( FC ) packaging technology , but also widely used in board-level , ball grid array ( BGA ) packaging technology .

  21. 为此,本文首先研究了SnAgCu系无铅焊锡合金,并利用本试验室自制的超音速雾化装置对其进行雾化法制粉末的工艺研究。

    With the supersonic atomization device designed by our laboratory , we study on the process parameter about atomizing free-lead solder powder of Sn-Ag-Cu system .

  22. 利用自行设计的超音速雾化制粉装置,研究了合金过热度对SnAgCu系无铅焊锡粉末有效雾化率、粒度分布、球形度及含氧量的影响。

    By means of the supersonic atomizing equipment developed by ourselves , the influences of super - heat of alloy on the properties of flee-lead solder power of Sn-Ag-Cu system , such as effective atomization efficiency , size distribution , particle shape and oxygen content are investigated .

  23. 厂价直销:焊锡线,焊锡条,助焊剂。

    Priced Direct : solder wire , solder , the flux .

  24. 活性焊锡丝助焊剂的研制

    A Research on the Production of the Active Cored Solder Wire

  25. 芯片焊锡镀层厚度对工程能力影响研究

    Research into Impacts of Chip Solder-Plating Coat Thickness on Engineering Capability

  26. 欢迎来到广东省揭阳市中兴伟业焊锡厂!

    Welcome to Guangdong province jieyang city zhongxing weiye solder factory !

  27. 再流焊锡珠的形成与预防

    The Formation and Prevention of the Soldering Balls at Reflow Soldering

  28. 工业网筘用焊锡锅的设计与计算

    Design and Calculation of Tin-soldering Pot for Making Metal Net Reed

  29. 任何不同的变压器或继电器的焊锡引脚可以被精确的调整设定。

    Any pin type of transformer and relay can adjust exactly .

  30. 跌落冲击载荷作用下焊锡接点的力学行为研究

    Investigation of Mechanical Behaviors of Solder Joints under Drop Impact Loading