
  • 网络Jinzhou District
  1. 2008年金州区农作物生长期气候条件调查研究

    Investigation Study of Weather Conditions at the Crop Growing Season in Jinzhou District in 2008

  2. 人类工程活动的生态环境效应&以大连市金州区七顶山乡一带生态环境演变为例

    Eco-environmental effects of the mankind engineering activities & qidingshan area of Jinzhou district , dalian City

  3. 大连市金州区外向型农业发展研究

    Research on suburban , export-oriented agriculture development of Jinzhou , Dalian City Liaoning Province

  4. 金州区产业园信息管理平台主要为产业园的主体而服务。

    Information management platform of industrial park primarily service for the main parts in the parks .

  5. 对金州区下岗女职工再就业情况的调查与思考

    Investigating and Thinking of Out - of - Work Women Workers ' Reemployment in Jinzhou District

  6. 2004~2007年大连市金州区托幼机构消毒质量监测资料分析

    Data Analysis of Disinfection Quality in Nurseries in Jinzhou District of Dalian from 2004 to 2007

  7. 校园建筑群体的整合设计&大连市金州区石河中心学校校区建筑规划设计

    Integrated Design of Campus Construction 's Group & Planning and Building Design of the Center School in Shihe Town , Jinzhou District , Dalian

  8. 金州区产业园的生态化规划建设,被放在牵动大连产业整体发展的重要位置。

    Ecological planning and construction of industrial park in Jinzhou District , was placed in an important position that affecting the whole development of industry of Dalian .

  9. 最后,本文以大连市金州区的医疗废弃物回收处理为例验证了模型的有效性和算法的优越性。

    Finally , an example of medical waste recycling of Jinzhou , Dalian is used to verify the validity of the model and the superiority of the algorithm .

  10. 在论文中,作者以大连市金州区网上行政审批系统的建设为例,首先对政府组织结构和行政审批业务进行分析,抽象出行政审批的相关模型,分析传统行政审批的弊端及产生原因;

    Firstly , it is the analysis of the government structure and administration permits flow . He summarizes the models and the reasons that bring the traditional administration permits system 's problems .

  11. 以辽宁省大连市金州区为例论述了沿海地区城市郊区外向型农业的发展条件、影响因素、发展原则和指导思想。

    Taking Jinzhou District of Dalian City , Liaoning province as an example , the conditions , influence factors , principles and guiding ideology of export-oriented agriculture development in coastal suburban area are discussed .

  12. 辽南金州隆起区构造变形及流体作用

    Structural deformation and fluid process in Jinzhou uplifting region , south Liaoning Province