
  1. 另外,本文还通过对这一时期东亚海域局势的分析,将幕府儒将北条实时派船到大陆购买大批宋书及金泽文库创建的时间落实到1258年到1266年之间。

    Based on situation analysis then in East Asia seas , Houjyuo Sanetoki , a Shogunate minister bought a large number of books from China in1258-1266 A.

  2. 宋本真正大规模进入日本乃晚至宋末元初的镰仓幕府时期,与著名的金泽文库之创建有着密切的关联。

    The large-scale entry occurred during the late Song and the early Yuan period & the Kamakura Shogunate , which was closely related to the establishment of Kanazawa library 's foundation .