
  • 网络Kim Jong-suk;KimJong-Suk
  1. 在朝鲜的推荐名单上,排名最靠前的是金正日(KimJongIl)的母亲金正淑(KimJongSuk)的雕像,金正淑出生在这个城市,官方媒体对她多有颂扬之词。

    Topping the list of North Korean recommendations will be a statue of Kim Jong Il 's mother , Kim Jong Suk , who was born in the city and features prominently in state propaganda .

  2. 目前,朝鲜建国者金日成、其妻金正淑(KimJongSook)(金正日生母)以及现任领袖金正日的生日是国家节日。

    The birthdays of North Korean founder Kim Il Sung and his mother , Kim Jong Sook , are national holidays in the insular country , as is the current leader 's birthday .