
  • 网络Finance & Securities
  1. 《证券市场基础知识》课的实训实习是金融与证券专业学生实训实习教学中的一个重要环节。

    The practice and experiment of the subject 《 the basic knowledge of securities marketing 》 is a main task for the finance and securities speciality .

  2. 金融深化与证券市场制度创新

    Financial Deepening and System Innovation of Stock Market

  3. 在大学里我学的专业是证券交易。金融法与证券法专业术语的英汉翻译

    My speciality at university is securities business . A Study of Professional Terms in Financial Law and Securities Law in the Domain of English-Chinese Translation

  4. 随着中国金融业与证券市场改革开放的不断深化,证券交易所发展面临的竞争问题越来越突出。

    Chinese finance industry and securities market are gradually deepened with Chinese reforming and opening to the world , the problem of development of stock exchanges is also confronted with new competitive environment , and become more and more outstanding .

  5. 分析两国利率与证券价格关系的异同点对于认识二者之间差距,进而完善中国金融体制与证券市场改革具有重要的现实意义。

    Analysing the interrelationships of interest rates and stock prices in the two countries will be helpful to understand the gap between the two countries , thus be signified to the improvement on the development of China 's financial system and stock market .

  6. 这部分首先介绍了金融危机与资产证券化之间的关联,并站在资产证券化的角度,分析金融危机诱发的因素,从而探讨资产证券化实践过程的风险。

    The chapter firstly analyzes the relevance between the global financial crisis and asset securitization . From the perspective of asset securitization , the chapter discusses the elements that trigger the crisis , and analyzes the risks in the practice of asset securitization .

  7. 金融混业经营趋势与证券公司发展战略

    The Multi-Operation Tendency in Financial Industry and the Development Strategies of Securities Corporation

  8. 中国的金融市场开发与借款证券化

    Financial Market Development in China and Loan Securitization

  9. 他亦兼任香港金融研究中心董事与证券及期货事务监察委员会非执行董事。

    He is also a director of the Hong Kong Institute for monetary research and a non-executive director of the securities and futures commission .

  10. 日本金融厅一直在与证券经纪公司举行听证会,探求它们希望采取哪些与分项收费有关的改革,以及改革将对各方产生什么影响。

    The FSA has been conducting hearings with brokerages to find out what changes they are seeking in relation to unbundling and how changes will affect those involved .

  11. 权证市场的发展对中国发展金融衍生品市场与完善证券市场结构有着非常重要的意义。

    Warrants are financial derivatives based on underlying securities , and the development of warrants market is very important for China stock markets to develop the financial derivatives market and improve the structure of the stock markets .

  12. 第二章回顾分析了金融中介理论,从中探寻商业银行这一金融中介机构与证券市场或者其他非银行金融中介机构相比,是否在某些功能上具有相对的优势。

    Firstly , the financial intermediation theory is addressed to clarify that commercial bank is special compared with capital market and other financial intermediaries .