
piào jù jiāo yì
  • Bill trading;bill business
  1. 随着票据交易系统里的用户不断的增加,票据导入的数量也不断增加,交易系统的Web服务器显得难以应付高速增长的业务。

    As the continued increase of the users and transaction amounts , the Bill Exchange System web server cannot maintain the high performance .

  2. 绝对的无因性也会导致票据交易安全的丧失。

    Absolutely without reason can lead to the loss of negotiable instrument transaction security .

  3. 各系统参与者或其他业务应用系统可通过电子票据交易系统处理中心前置机采用报文方式进行交互。

    Every participant of applications or other business transaction system can interact with messages through electronic instrument processing center front-end way .

  4. 金融信息化、电子化之后,大量的现金、票据交易被电子资金划拨系统所取代。

    With the development of computerizing financial services , a mass of cash and bill exchange had been substituted by Electronic Fund Transfer System .

  5. 该设计为搭建全国统一的电子票据交易平台给出了一种全新的解决途径。第二,基于上述平台,如何实现的电子票据集中报盘与交易提出了全新的解决思路。

    This design found a new way to build a unified trading platform for electronic paper presents . Second , we put forward new solutions on how e-bills offer and trading ideas based on the above platform .

  6. 从金融法视角论票据真实交易背景原则的存废与变革

    On the Reform of the Real Transaction Background Principle in the Law of Negotiable Instruments

  7. 票据作为商事交易发展的产物,适应规模化交易所需的效率与便捷。

    Bill meets the efficiency and convenience that scale transaction requires as a product of the development of commercial transactions .

  8. 随着中国市场经济的发展,票据日益成为交易、信用、融资必不可少的工具。

    Along with the development of Chinese market economy , the note becomes the tool of bargain , reputation , margin essential to have increasingly .

  9. 票据市场建立统一交易平台至关重要

    To Establish A Unified Platform for Bill Market Is of Vital Importance

  10. 从交易成本角度考量,票据本身就是节约交易成本而产生的制度创新。

    From transaction cost aspect , bill itself is an innovation of producing transaction cost .

  11. 希望本文的写作对减少票据纠纷,保障交易安全,促进票据流通有所裨益。

    Hope to be helpful in decreasing bill disputes , securing trade and promoting bill circulation .

  12. 换言之,当交易变成银行承兑票据,这项交易就变成了承兑银行的一种无条件的责任。

    In other words , when the transaction becomes a BA it becomes an unconditional obligation of the accepting bank .

  13. 作为我国票据市场主要市场交易工具的银行承兑汇票业务,目前也存在不少问题。

    As banker 's acceptance bill business , our bill market 's main trade means , also exists in a lot of proble .

  14. 空白票据遗失救济问题研究有利于保护持票人的票据权利、维护交易的安全和稳定性。

    The study of the redress of the lost blank bill helps to protect the bearer 's note right , security and stability of the trade .