
piào jù jiāo huàn
  • clearing;bank clearing;clearance
  1. 外联网拓扑的一个特殊例子是票据交换所(clearinghouse),这在许多行业都比较常见,可以想到的几个有金融业、医疗保健和保险业。

    A specialized case of the extranet topology is the clearing house , which is common in many industries ; finance , healthcare , and insurance are a few that come to mind .

  2. 票据交换所;清算所票据交换所是银行交换支票、汇票的地方。

    clearing house A clearing house is an office where banks exchange checks and drafts .

  3. 如果数字化的内容是使用一些DRM方案保护的,可能还需要票据交换服务。

    If digital content is protected using some DRM solution , a clearing house service may be required .

  4. Andrew给出了一个票据交换所的例子,他们将对问题的描述发到了网上以寻求答案。

    Andrew gives an example of a clearinghouse for scientific problems and problem solvers , which posted descriptions of problems over the Web .

  5. Scrum管理者充当一个问题和交流的“票据交换所”,而不是一个控制整个团队的老板。

    The Scrum Master acts as a clearinghouse for issues and communication rather than a " boss " controlling the team .

  6. 上面讨论的票据交换所模型是一个“轮毂辐条状(hub-and-spoke)”模式,其中,辐条是每个不同的B2B接口,目标是避免辐条之间相互通信。

    The clearing house model discussed above is a hub-and-spoke pattern , where the spokes are each a different B2B interface and the goal is to keep the spokes from communicating with each other .

  7. 但是,SEPA的所谓完全无缝纯粹是装点门面,因为全国性的票据交换所和最后应当成形的泛欧洲结算系统之间依然矛盾重重。

    The apparent seamlessness of SEPA is cosmetic , however , because there is still fierce competition between national clearing houses over what the pan-European plumbing should finally look like .

  8. 然后,票据交换所把这些实际的支票交给每个标据付款行。

    Then they deliver the actual checks to each drawee bank .

  9. 霍布森:票据交换是什么意思?

    Hobson : What is meant by the term Clearing House Association ?

  10. 我们通过票据交换所来平衡这些银行之间的债务。

    We balance these interbank obligations through the clearing house .

  11. 东非和南部非洲国家票据交换所;

    Clearing house of eastern and southern African states ;

  12. 股票交易所的最新行情伦敦票据交换所自动支付系统

    The latest quotations from the Stock Exchange London Clearing House Automated Payments System

  13. 关于一类结合环的换位子理想与交换性非洲支付和票据交换同盟

    On Commutator Ideal of the Associative Ring and Commutativity African Payments and Clearing Unio

  14. 另外三家大票据交换银行也效法相继提高了利率。

    The other three major clearing banks followed suit and raised their interest rates .

  15. 优惠贸易地区票据交换所3.交换:用一种帮助或恩惠换取另外一种。

    Exchange : trading one favor for another .

  16. 非洲外债危机国际会议东非和南部非洲国家票据交换所

    International Conference on Africa 's Debt Crisis Clearing House of Eastern and Southern African States

  17. 比尔·霍布森正向他的银行从业者打听有关他们城里的地方票据交换所的情况。

    Bill Hobson is asking his banker about the local Clearing House Association in their city .

  18. 非洲支付和票据交换同盟

    African Payments and Clearing Unio

  19. 这个部门的业务与地方票据交换所的业务性质是一样的,但是它是与处地或外州的银行进行业务往来。

    That operates just like a local clearing house , but deals with out-of-town or out-of-state banks .

  20. 票据交换所自动付款系统

    Clearing house automated payments system

  21. 交换清帐通过票据交换所传递(交换票据,如支票)

    To pass ( a bill of exchange , such as a check ) through a clearing - house .

  22. (票据交换所内的)支票交换,结算,清算.清把支票开给中国银行。

    Clearing of cheques at a clearing-house ( clear ) Please make out your checks to the Bank of China .

  23. 票据交换所是银行交换支票、票的地方。

    Foot for foot basis [ land exchange ] A clearing house is an office where banks exchange checks and drafts .

  24. 为了提供安全性和客户隔离,许多运行票据交换所的供应商都为每个客户提供单独的路径。

    In order to provide security and isolation of customers , many vendors running clearing houses provide separate paths for each customer .

  25. 因此,在地方和联邦票据交换所之间,国内任何银行开出的支票都能很容易地得到处理。

    So between the local and Federal Reserve clearing houses , checks drawn on any bank in the country can be easily processed .

  26. 票据交换通过票据交换所的支票传递或其它帐单的交换(经票据交换所)结算,清算(支票)。

    The passage of checks and other bills of exchange through a clearing-house . pass ( a cheque ) through a clearing-house ( clear )

  27. 同城清算指人民银行分支机构组织同一城市范围内各银行机构办理的跨行票据交换及资金清算业务。

    Intra-City Clearing is note exchange and capital clearing business organized by branches of PBC , which spans multiple banks within the same city .

  28. 所以,在每次交换时,票据交换所资金平衡表两边的总金额总是相等的。

    Therefore , at every time of clearing , the total amounts on both sides of the clearing house 's balance sheet are always equal .

  29. 证券交易所的一个成员,但其不属于交易所的票据交换人员,而是付钱给另一公司来提供服务。

    A member of a securities exchange that does not belong to the exchange 's clearing facility but pays another firm to provide the service .

  30. 1933年1月成立的上海票据交换所是中国最早成立的票据交换所,是上海金融现代化的重要标志之一。

    Shanghai clearing house , set up in Jan 1933 , is first clearing house in China so it became a symbol of financial modernization .