
piào hào
  • Ticket number;exchange shop;a firm for exchange and transfer of money
票号 [piào hào]
  • [exchange shop] 旧时指山西商人所经营的钱庄。以汇兑为主要业务。也叫票庄

票号[piào hào]
  1. 山西票号组织制度探微

    A discussion on the organization system of exchange shop in Shanxi

  2. 自贡地区的钱庄、票号与盐业发展

    The Private Bank , Exchange Shop and Salt Industrial Development in Zigong Area

  3. Unit3投诉篇1.航班延误投诉亲爱的先生或女士:我写这封信是为突然而未经通知地取消了7月24日从丹佛到底特律的航班。这次航班的确认号是772WB7,票号是0122150942247。

    Dear sir or madam , I am writing in regards to the sudden and unannounced cancellation of my reserved flight for July 24 from Denver to Detroit ( Confirmation Number : 772WB7 ; Airline Ticket Number : 0122150942247 ) .

  4. 二是开创了金融汇兑的票号业。

    Two , founded the financial remittance ticket number industry .

  5. 山西票号与中国商业革命

    The Shanxi Banking in History and China 's Commercial Revolution

  6. 浅议山西票号的经营者激励机制

    The Financial Incentive Mechanism of Shanxi Draft Bank 's Operators

  7. 山西票号的组织与管理制度及其启示

    Organization and Management System and Enlightenment of Shanxi Money Shop

  8. 山西票号形成的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis of Shanxi Exchange Shops Coming into Being

  9. 山西票号的密押和汇率

    Test key and exchange rate of Shanxi exchange house

  10. 晋商票号的人身股与股票期权的比较

    A Contrast on the Jin-Merchant Exchange Shop 's Personnal Share and Stock Options

  11. 票号身股的数量分析

    The Quantitative Analysis on Shanxi Bank 's Personal Shares

  12. 山西票号的信用性质之再探

    Reconsideration of the Credit Nature of Shanxi Draft Banks

  13. 试论山西票号的经营模式

    On the Management Pattern of Shanxi Draft Bank

  14. 第四部分,分析晋商的第二次战略转型:由晋商票号向近代银行的转型情况。

    The fourth part analyzes the second transition from draft banks to modern banks .

  15. 汇兑、存款、放款构成了票号的基本业务。

    Remittance , deposit and loan were made up of Piaohao 's basic businesses .

  16. 晋商票号人才选拔培养及现实意义

    Selection and Training of Shanxi Banker Talents in Qing Dynasty and Its Modern Significance

  17. 山西票号的密押与现代货币的防伪&渊源、发展与比较

    The Cipher Ways of Shanxi Draft Bank and the Protection of Modern Money from Counterfeits

  18. 第三节介绍票号的两权分离机制

    Section 3 analyzes the two separated powers

  19. 最后,本文还对票号衰亡的原因进行了分析。

    Finally , the paper makes an analysis of the historical reasons for its decline .

  20. 1883年金融危机中的票号与钱庄(下)

    On the Exchange Bank and Private Bank in Financial Crisis in 1883 ( Continued );

  21. 本文首先研究了山西票号的组织制度和对员工的选拔机制。

    Firstly , this article studies the organization system and the mechanism of selecting to the staff .

  22. 山西票号:中国最早专门从事异地汇兑的民间金融机构

    Exchange Bank of Shanxi : the Earliest Folk Financial Organization That Specially Delt with the Remittance between Different Areas

  23. 第二部分的主要内容为山西票号衰亡的各种制度与管理因素,分别从组织与管理制度的破坏、经营者权利与责任的不对称、创新机制的缺乏三方面进行研究。

    The second part mainly tells of the factors of management and organization which conduced the decline of Shanxi Bank .

  24. 经济欠发达地区育成大资本的历史考察&以山西票号为例

    A Historical Survey of the Successful Breeding of Large Capital in Underdeveloped Districts & Taking Shanxi Exchange Shop as Example

  25. 山西票号兴衰过程中的组织与管理因素研究

    Studies on the Factors of Organizational and Managing System in the Process of the Prosperity and Decline of Shanxi Bank

  26. 家族企业委托代理关系研究&山西票号与中世纪意大利家族企业的分析与比较

    Research on Principal-Agent Relationship in Family Firms : A Comparative Study of the Shanxi Banks and Medieval Italian Family Firms

  27. 而在其采用股份制特别是身股制度之后,晋商商号票号得到了迅速的发展和壮大。

    And in the use of share especially laborer shares system after , shanxi traders obtained a rapid development and grow .

  28. 在西部大开发中,人们的视野注视到票号资本。

    In the overall development of the western parts of china , people turn their attention to the capital of exchange shop .

  29. 由于这种经营模式特别能够适应金融市场复杂多变的需要,所以奇迹般地创造了山西票号的辉煌业绩。

    The pattern led to the Shanxi draft bank 's great achievement for it adapted to complicated and various financial market well .

  30. 东方独特的理财文化&山西票号的组织制度探讨

    The Unique Culture of Financial Management in the East & A Discussion on the System of Organization of Exchange banks in Shanxi