
  1. 中国物权法研究的新进展

    The new development of the research on the law of property right in China

  2. 不动产预告登记制度是近几年来我国物权法研究的新课题。

    Regulation of advance notice registration of real estate has been a new focus in recent study of real estate registration in China .

  3. 目前有关物权法研究的成果已明确将承包经营权定性为物权,但此种结论的得出多是建立在法理分析层面。

    Now the contracted management right is defined real right in the outcome of real right law , but the conclusion is based on Legal science theory .

  4. 完善我国现行夫妻财产制度之浅见因此不动产登记制度不仅是近几年来我国物权法研究的重要课题,而且在物权法草案中也做了规定。

    About the Perfection of China 's Present Property Regulations between Husband and Wife Therefore , as the fundamental component of real property regulations , real property registration system will become one of the keystones in the study of Property Law in the future years .

  5. 有鉴于此,本文对添附制度进行了较为深入地研究,以期对我国的物权法理论研究和立法建设略尽绵薄之力。

    For this , the author study the accretion system thoroughly and try to make some contribution for our legislation .

  6. 直到九十年代,随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和物权法理论研究的深入,越来越多的学者遂转变立场,主张建立完整的取得时效制度。

    Until 1990 's , along with the foundation of socialist market economy system and the further research of real law theory , more and more scholars switch sides to suggest for the foundation of an integral acquisition prescription system .

  7. 在这一部分,笔者从大陆法系各主要国家及我国的物权法的理论研究及立法发展的历史入手,探讨了船舶物权的立法历史以及《海商法》立法对于建立船舶物权概念的需求。

    Firstly I have discussed the theory research and legislation of real law in our country and other countries . And then I have discussed development of the legislation of real right of ship and the need of establishing the concept of ship real right in our Maritime code .

  8. 所有物返还请求权是物上请求权中的一项重要内容,也是物权法制定中必须研究的课题。

    Ownership returning petition right is one important content of petition right on property , and it is also a subject of study required by drawing up law relating to rights over things .

  9. 本文以物权法浮动抵押制度研究为题,从一个新的角度以实体、程序、风险控制等方面就目前我国浮动抵押制度的一些理论和实践问题进行了必要的探讨。正文共由五章构成。

    My essay which focusing on " Research of floating charge in property law " discussed some points towards some theoretic and practical issue in our floating system in a total new view concerning the aspects of entity , procedure and risk control etc. Whole essay consist of five chapters .