
wù zhì xiǎnɡ shòu
  • material comforts
  1. 她喜欢婚姻生活带给她的物质享受。

    She enjoys the material comforts married life has brought her

  2. 年青人永远也不应一味地追求物质享受。

    Young people should never simply go in for material comforts .

  3. 现代的人干吗要追求物质享受?

    Why do modern people chase material possessions ?

  4. 莫森:是的,但是物质享受呢?

    Mohsen : Yes , but what about the creature comforts ?

  5. 使他们显得过于注重物质享受,这一点我很不喜欢。

    They appear too materialistic , which is not to my liking .

  6. 温暖的家和佳肴都是物质享受。

    A warm house and good food are material comforts .

  7. 但是,物质享受和舒适生活不一定带来幸福。

    But the material comforts and well-being do not necessarily bring happiness .

  8. 他通常十分关心的是物质享受。

    He was usually very concerned about his creature comforts .

  9. 他是愿意将钱花在物质享受上还是丰富阅历上?

    Would he rather spend his money on things or on experiences ?

  10. 奢侈的物质享受是无法带来持久的快乐和安全感的。

    Expensive things don 't create lasting happiness and security .

  11. 我发现人们变得愈来愈注重物质享受了。

    I find that people are becoming increasingly materialistic .

  12. 人们追求物质享受超过追求精神价值。

    People pursue more material enjoyment than spiritual values .

  13. 它为人们提供必要的精神享受和物质享受。

    And it can provide people with necessary enjoyment of substance and mentality .

  14. 莫森:我想要的休假充满了物质享受。

    Mohsen : I wanted a vacation with all of the creature comforts .

  15. 这个富翁尽管有种种的物质享受,却仍不快乐。

    Despite all the material comforts , the rich man isn 't happy .

  16. 然而他们真的超越了物质享受吗?

    But are they really beyond material comforts ?

  17. 某人可达到的物质享受的水平。

    A level of material comfort in terms of goods and services available to someone .

  18. 她是个追求物质享受的女孩。

    She is a material girl .

  19. 今年努力工作为了获取物质享受,占有欲较强。

    You 've worked hard to acquire material comforts , and you love to have possessions .

  20. 这些人在追求物质享受的道路上,是已经迷失的够远、够深了。

    These people get lost so far and so deep in seeking for the enjoyments of material .

  21. 很多人都准备放弃追求物质享受的生活方式。

    A lot of people are prepared to turn their back on the materialist way of life .

  22. 第欧根尼认为好人是自给自足的,不需要物质享受和财富。

    Diogenes held that the good man was self-sufficient and did not require material comforts or wealth .

  23. 八蒙人虽然缺乏物质享受,却拥有一个美丽的家园。

    Though they were lacking in resources and materials , people here were blessed with a beautiful homeland .

  24. 不,谢谢,我太喜欢物质享受了,所以我不去野营。

    No , thank you . I 'm far too fond of my creature comforts to go camping .

  25. 他们大都受过良好的教育,但多以自我为中心,过分注重外表和物质享受。

    They are generally well educated but are self-centered and give too much importance to appearance and material comforts .

  26. 处在资本主义社会时期,期间人们盲目追求物质享受,工业发展使自然环境受到严重污染。

    In the capitalist society , people blindly chase material enjoyment and natural environment is seriously polluted by industrial development .

  27. 这些日子我发觉美国越来越沉溺于物质享受,却越来越疏离于道德标准;

    These days I see America identified more and more with material things , less and less with spiritual standards .

  28. 他们花哨的穿着和时髦的发型使他们显得过于注重物质享受,这点我很不喜欢。

    With their fancy clothes and stylish hairdos , they appear too materialistic , which is not to my liking .

  29. 他之所以这么努力工作,这么努力学习,是为了给一家提供最好的物质享受。

    He worked and studied very hard because he wanted to provide his family with the best money could buy .

  30. 有许多海滩依靠公共交通就很容易到达,周围也全是我们期望进行物质享受的场所;

    Many are easily accessible by public transportation and are surrounded by creature comforts we 've come to expect and enjoy .